About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Just something else to scare the holy fuck out of you....

QUESTION: Does this man look like a fucking architect?!?

Kabul then and Kabul now....

Thank you. Something...finally....to be proud of...
Oh, except for the religious nuts who don't want us to use stem cells....

I fear that fucking around with nature will one day jump up and bite us in the ass. I'm reminded of Australia, where a few rabbits escaped and now the whole continent is over run with them....and I mean overrun. Just go to YouTube and type in Australia and rabbits.

Only in America, folks.....only in America....
Can you imagine what would happen if you could instantly know if someone was lying to you? Society only works because people lie and get away with it. Imagine how ho-hum it would be.....jeeeeeeeez.....

Not sure about this next one, but found it in a legit news source....
Yeah, like nothing bad could happen now.

Oh, the irony....

Now the news of William and Kate. I made this crop-job myself because I thought it looked like....well, you know what I thought it looked like. I just have one bit of advice for this lady...

And now a palm person has analyzed their hands. 
What I find exceedingly interesting is that the very people who think this is silly, believe at the same time that there is a city in the sky where they go to live for eternity with loved ones that they can recognize since they believe in the only true god out of tens of thousands of other gods. 
I, of course, find that fucking hillarious.

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