When I came upon this image I thought WTF and decided to cull all my files for things that should elicit a WTF...
If you are talking behind my back, then you are in a good position to kiss my ass.
My guess is that some asshole stuffed the toy with peanuts just to fuck with a squirrel...
You know you are fucked when your own people put a Star of David on your Muslim ass....
Latest News from Libya.........
نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست نقش دیوار و چشم خیره ما نقش سایه دگر نمی دان نور اگر رفت سایه. ر رفت سایهپیدا نیست نقش دیوار و چشم خیره ما نقش سایه دگر نمی دان نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست نقش دیوار و چشمخیره ما
If I hear anything else, I'll let you know..... |
All my favorite snacks are orange...Butterfingers, peanut MandM's, and Cheetos. What's up with that?
The internet is truly a very weird place...
I will literally punch you in the throat the next time you misuse the word 'literally'. There's other words out there, people. There's figuratively and metaphorically. Learn them...please.
Check out the look and this guy's face....jeeeeez...
(Ooh Lala?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!)
If you are easily offended, you might as well click off the internet and sign off forever.
If you are easily offended, you might as well click off the internet and sign off forever.
Either you love bacon or you are wrong.
SATIRE: Because beating people until they can't open their stupid mouths isn't legal anymore.
I think this is fucking hilarious...
Dinosaurs were made up by the CIA to discourage time travel.
Would somebody PLEASE explain this to me....
Most schools have Women's Studies, but none have Men's Studies. I thought that was pretty sexist, but then I realized we do have a Men's Studies....it's called World Fucking History.
(and in all honesty, now it's your time, ladies. You couldn't possibly fuck the world worse than we men have)
My hero...
I like to put blue Gatorade in a Windex bottle and drink it in public...and smile like I know something they don't.
Did you know that the Martin Luther King Statue in Washington was carved of Chinese marble, in China, by a Chinese artist? Yeah, neither did I. What a fucking crock.
This is Karl Marx's beard made of steel wool....and no, I don't know why...
....but the concrete blocks is an interesting touch.
Today a guy asked me if I had ever laughed so hard that I peed myself. I told him that I had once peed so hard that I started laughing. And sometimes I laugh so hard the tears run down my leg.
I knew it...I just knew it!!!
Today a guy asked me if I had ever laughed so hard that I peed myself. I told him that I had once peed so hard that I started laughing. And sometimes I laugh so hard the tears run down my leg.
I knew it...I just knew it!!!
Have you ever been so stoned that you put your lighter in your mouth and try to light it with your pipe?
(just wondering)
Holy fucking shit, ya'll, this child had to practice this shit!!!
(probably over and over and over again)
You know you are too drunk to drive when you stop at a stop sign and wait for it to turn green.
(try explaining that to the cop behind you)
Please leave a comment if you know what (who?) Biznasty is....I have no fucking idea.
You know you are too drunk to drive when you stop at a stop sign and wait for it to turn green.
(try explaining that to the cop behind you)
Please leave a comment if you know what (who?) Biznasty is....I have no fucking idea.
I think she is asking someone to pull her finger...
Meanwhile in Japan....
The stuff of nightmares...
I'll bet their dicks are shriveled up to the size of a stack of dimes..
Just another Sherpa in Converse All-stars....
....with no laces.
Something tells me that one of these men just doesn't understand the physics behind firearms...
Something tells me that one of these men just doesn't understand the physics behind firearms...
(if you don't know what that is, it's okay...it really is)
Can I assume that this has something to do with getting "lit"?
Can I assume that this has something to do with getting "lit"?
My wife is so cold when she spreads her legs the furnace cuts on.
(I originally wrote "ex-wife" in the above, but I find that rather tasteless, seeings how I actually like my ex.)
Although I'm not much for helicopters or cold weather or going to places with without bars...... I think I would like to do this..........once.
Although I'm not much for helicopters or cold weather or going to places with without bars...... I think I would like to do this..........once.
Any ideas on this one?
They killed our Lord, you know.
I'm going to stop posting misspelled tattoos....there are just too many of them and I think that many people do it on purpose just to get on the internet big time.
I've decided to found my own religion entirely based on the eating of Doritos.
Shit like this reminds me of the games in the Roman Coliseum. When the shit is about to hit the fan....just distract the people...think reality shows....
How fucking weird is this?
This is a....problematic question on a driver's test.
The correct answer is D.....or is it? Read the question again and make sure you know what it's asking. TOONS TO AMUSE...
One of my very own...
Do you know the name of the photograph who captured the Sherpa with the Converse All Star shoes?
Espen, Oslo, Norway
I do not know the photographer, but since about 5,000 people climb Mt. Everest every year, it could be anybody.
Have you seen any of my new stuff here at Folio Olio? I kindly invite you to attend the party if you haven't.
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