About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Yes, he hires his own staff....

What a strange, strange image...

When I realized that I didn't have a penny to my name,
I changed my name.

Have you noticed that 99% of the villains are mean...I mean, men?

Weed is not a drug, it's a plant. So they're not drug dealers, they're florists.

Why? Why not?

I looked this up, went to several sites and none of them said that this was not true....you decide...

To err is human.
To arr is pirate.

Okay, I got this. I once had a car whose driver's side power window broke. I had to do this a couple of times....

Pirate, indeed.....

They say that money talks.
Mine says 'goodbye'.

"Well, what did you and your friends do at the bar last tonight?" she asked.

Why is it a bad thing to lose touch with reality?
Have you seen reality lately?

My fucking hero...

TRUE: I have a policy of not giving away locks of my hair.



TRUE: Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I realized that I am an orphan.

Every family has an uncle like this....

Check out the tattoo on his back...

Am I the only one who sometimes finds himself at a restaurant and can't pronounce a menu item so he orders something else?

Paul McCartney's son wants to start a band with the sons of the other Beatles....

I took my daughters to see a president (I forget which one) at our statehouse. I remember that signs were allowed, but not one stick. They wouldn't even allow small American flags on a tiny rod. I found that interesting...

Something you don't see everyday.....

TRUE: Got a comment yesterday. Here, among other things, is what it said:
"I am new in English. What does this mean?"

Dear Foreigner,
This site loves the absurd. The absurd sometimes has no meaning whatsoever. Sorry.
Folio Olio

Get ready to say, "Aaaaaaaah."

What happens when you let your young daughters do your hair before the big event....

Chiefs turned into a side show. Sad that.

Congratulations to Rick Santorum for proving that the country is still sane enough not to elect him president.

What in the name of John Holmes are we coming (no pun intended) to....

You may have noticed that I've been exploring some anthropology sites lately.

Girls are machines that you put kindness coins into until sex falls out.

Yeah, I like this guy....

When this man speaks, you listen....guaranteed....

What if the first person to make a wish wished that no one else could have a wish granted?

This man needs a much, much longer lens...

Please don't forget these people....please....

I do what I want, when I want, where I want...if my wife says it's okay.

I have no idea, but you have to admit, it's a pretty cool image....

I drink while I work out...I call it Bacardio.

If you need examples of a Douche, here they are...


You might need to think about this one a minute....



I'll bet money that there is no bacon cooking involved...

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