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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, April 16, 2012


 In further Amish news, Pennsylvania has lifted the requirement that the buggies have a orange triangle on the back...this after dozens of people have spent time in jail for refusing to display them. They are now allowed to use reflective tape and other warnings, since the to the Amish the triangle symbolizes the Trinity and should not be displayed in such flashy colors.

 There is no documentation that the ship line company, nor the designer, ever said that the Titanic was unsinkable or that god couldn't do the sinking.

In the "I could kill for some Skittles right now" department...
 Somebody has finally drawn Zimmerman in Skittles.

I really like people with senses of humor in hard times.
 One of my best friends who died not too long ago has a wife that I'm pretty close to also. She came in the bar alone, and we talked. I asked her how she had been and she said that she had driven out of state to bury her sister-in-law.
After she finished with the details I asked, "Besides members of your immediate family dropping dead, how have you been."

This woman is a blind poet.
 Not too long ago she wrote 26 pages of poetry after her pen ran out of ink. (TRUE!!) The police took the paper and managed to reveal the poems by various forensic methods.

This is Ray Woods.
 After being arrested it was discovered that he had 89 bags of illegal drugs tied to his penis.
Now, I'm no math whiz, but if each bag only weighed 1/4 ounce.........DAMN!

This woman was reprimanded for smoking in the airport. She did what any red blooded American would do...she stripped off all her clothes and stood there until she was arrested.

Speaking of being a math whiz, how long do you think this can continue?

I hate shit like this that is ALL OVER the interweb...
 I don't think there are many people left who know how extraordinarily easy it is to lose your freedoms. The government doesn't do it all at once like the Nazi's and Soviets; ours nibbles away until one day we are going to wake up and wonder just how we let this be done to us.

I don't think that most Americans realize that just a couple of decades ago, Iranians were just as westernized as Germans. Iranians are not Afghans.

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