About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, April 7, 2012



 Every time the crew of the Lewis and Clark Expedition met up with a new tribe, they would trade stuff for sex. Some of them were even charged with trying to swap their weapons. This resulted in rampant STD's and back then the only known "cure" was mercury....yes, mercury.
There were such massive doses of mercury that modern historians trace the expedition's campsites by the amounts of mercury in the soil where once was a latrine. 

The SOS cables....

This is among the many items of salvage that will soon be auctioned off....

Just hanging out in a Gemini Capsule waiting on the helicopter....

Notre Dame taking a direct bomb hit during WWII...


We all know about the Navy jet crash by now, but this is a rather unique image...

And in the Fuck You department....

And if you keep up with such things...

My wife turned me on to this series...
 I like it very much.
Believe it or not, this man is one of the greatest actors I have ever seen....I'm talking Oscar good....

Now prepare to be astounded....
 This man walked out of the hospital less than 24 hours after two vertebrae in his neck were operated on. The amazing thing is, his spine was repaired through that hole in the front of his neck.
I have a friend....okay, a bartender...who had the operation. Now he's scheduled for lower back disk surgery and it will also be done from the front. They will cut open his stomach, push all the organs to the side and....wa-la.
I am impressed.
However, wouldn't you love to meet the motherfucker who first thought this up? Try to imagine the doctor/patient conversation prior to the very first procedure.
Can't you just hear the patient say, "What the fuck have you been smoking?!?!"

11,541 red chairs representing the victims of the siege of Sarajevo...men, women and children. 

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