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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


This is very old, but still made me smile...

Well, it's that time of year again....

Had dinner tonight with one of my most trusted advisors and friends. He had hog cheek. Yes hog cheek. I tasted it and it was great! We discussed how in my blog I have discussed how some people find some foods good and other people find them trash. We never resolved that problem.
But during the meal he said he couldn't wait for my scathing Easter Anti-Sermon. I had to confess that I really hadn't given it much thought.....then I felt a little guilty.
So here's my best shot. On a TV news channel I watched and listened to a preacher say words something like this:
Jesus died for our salvation, then rose from the tomb...and there were witnesses! (italics mine)
So let me get this straight...you believe that a dozen of so people saw something 2000 years ago, and then only the people who believed this story told and retold the story for generations, then it was written down thousands of times in countless documents by the believers, then since there were so many contradictory versions the church had to step in and throw most of them out and what was left is FACT!

The first moment that I started doubting the bullshit I was being taught in Sunday School came to me when I watched a Nova program about the earliest life forms. I won't bore you with all the details, but the key phrase was the blood was just sea water. It was explained how when organisms organized and made the first little condom shaped beings, the sea water had to have a way to reach each cell. The increase in complexity did not diminish this need...those the circulatory system.

 I asked a believer about the above. He said that it was to give us places to explore once we had explored all of earth.

 I ask why there are no more miracles even though Jesus told us that his true believers would be able to perform miracles and they answered.......I don't know.....without the slightest reservations.

I have no idea what this means, but I think you will agree, it is a weird-ass image....

I asked this same question as a youth.
  I was told that we are commanded to spread the word. My argument that if we didn't tell them, then they would surely go to heaven, was rebuked with, 'You'll understand when you are older'.
Yeah....as if.

I recently saw a photo essay of the Pope's visit to Cuba.
I was most impressed (depressed) with the juxtaposition of the tons of silver and gold on one side of the bulletproof glass....

....amidst the abject poverty on the other.....
....and the peasants loved it....no, seriously...they fucking loved it.

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