About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Speaking of unusual things......Not to get overly dramatic, I've discovered that I have totally burned out on murals.....
This latest one may very well be my last.
The money be damned...I detest every second of it.

How deep is the specific ocean?

This reminds me of an article that stated that cruise ships have to install heavier furniture when moving to US ports...

Death before decaf.


They say there's safety in numbers.
Tell that to six million jews.

Yesterday I met a prostitute who said she would do anything for $50. So I got her to detail my car.

Still shocks me that people pay 200 dollars for a phone, yet make a face when shown a 2 dollar app they'd probably love while holding their 5 dollar latte.

"Please don't be sewage...please don't be sewage...."

Gay? I'm straighter than the pole your mom dances on.

Space is so depressing........get it?

DO WANT!!!!!

I like to put vanilla pudding in a mayo jar and eat it in public.

If a midget smokes weed, does he get high or medium?

TRUE: A man visited our American Legion and said, "I'm a member of Post 151, but there ain't nothin' there but rednecks, and I'm the fucking chaplain. 

Have you ever thought about just how evil a chicken omelette is? You kill the chicken, chop it up and cook it inside their own babies.

I wish I could trade my heart for another liver.
That way I could drink more and care less.

I don't get nearly enough credit for managing to not be a violent psychopath.

Bike paths from hell....

The first time I got punched in the face, I thought, "Goddamn! That hurt like a motherfucker!"

One of my favorite websites had a contest where people were asked to substitute their own photos for the stock photos in frames for sell.....

Do you think we will ever find out who let the dogs out?

Yes, it's an electronic abacus.....

Some times I regret not have a job to dream about quitting if I won the Mega Millions.

Ever wonder what happens if your shoe gets caught in an escalator?

Without stupid people we would have no one to laugh at.
Take time to thank a stupid person for their contribution. 

Dreams don't work unless you do.


I told the doctor that I broke my leg in two places.
He told me to stop visiting those places.

A salt sculpture that collapses over time...

I watch so much Netflix that I have learned to put on subtitles when I'm eating chips.

Artist: A philosopher who has taken a moral stand against work.

A ship full of ships....

The rich and powerful piss on us and the media tells us it's raining.

Why men shouldn't be allowed to cook....

In my opinion, all lingerie is edible.

This has got mother-in-law written all over it...




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