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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Our president did a very brave thing today. I commend him.
Then, there's North Carolina.

[ flip each number over and lay on itself

This is very, very strange to me...
 But not as strange as what the "restorers" of the Robert Mills' (designer of Washington Monument) house in Columbia did. They found that the brick foundation had been painted over dozens of times and the mortar was too weak to withstand sandblasting. So, they painted it mortar color and painted in the individual brick to bring back the original look. 
However, the original look was very much like that first image and they made it look straight....fucking up the whole idea of "historic" restoration.

If only.....

"War...What is it good for?".....ask Haliburton....

I have predicted in the past that there will be one event, a tripwire, that will spur normal people to take to the streets.
Sadly, I further think it will be about the government finally deciding that they can't give away as much money.

MLK rally in Washington. What will it take to do this again?

And I think when the young people finally figure out how we have screwed them, something will explode...


Once discovered, artists went nuts with it....

You must admit that it is a rather powerful tool...

It almost looks like these walls are turning....

One point perspective....yeah, there's drama there...


I want some of what she had....

There's a gift horse joke in here someplace....


This is an ad about........bowling.....

Just think, JFK had his lips on those.....

No, no, no.............no.....

I know I make many typos, but I try not to misuse the language. 

I would say twice as much as oxygen...

Check out the guy second from the left...

This is the way my wife wins most of our arguments...

 "Oooooh, I'm not falling for that......again."

 This is from a childrens' book about germs in the body with a you-are-here map.....

Just another reason cats shouldn't nap in a unmown lawn...

Lightning struck tree, ran down into roots, killed grass....something I've never seen before...


What a clever fellow...

Yeah, like modern man invented weird-ass shit...

Grandpa forgot his medication again....

I used that same gag a long time ago on One of my very own....

My wife asked me what I had for lunch. I said, "I ate a fish taco. It reminded me of you."
She said, "What a coincidence. I ordered a pizza and it came in 20 seconds. Thought of you."

Make sure you read the parts locale....

Never trust someone who is directing traffic in a hospital gown.

The movie was wrong, you know. The ship actually broke apart between stack 2 and 3, not 1 and 2......

TRUE: The newest Israeli assault rifle has a bottle opener.

So let's talk "fun". I've never understood the thrill of putting my life in danger. I've climbed dangerous scaffolding all my life, but at least I was getting paid.
I don't always give a woman an orgasm, but when I do, she usually spits it out.

"This wallpaper is killing me. One of us has to go."
- Oscar Wilde
And this is his grave....

 "Ooooooh, he's not falling for that.....again."

Somebody figured out that James Bond was shot at 4,662 times during his career.

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