About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I have no idea what this means, but it looks like something I would agree with.....any ideas?

Just a few reasons to put a mark on the plus side of living in a commune....

And, ladies, if you live on a commune, you can kiss this goodbye.....no pun intended....

Why is the word "verb" a noun.

When two mustaches cross paths, the larger mustache has the right of way.

How...ah...hot was it......

I think this is a case of photographing closer to make it look bigger, but it still scares the shit out of me...

Tell me it ain't so.....by the way, I hope he knows that so many people hate his guts that he will forever play villains...

Hey, conservatives, would you define liberty and individual freedom for me....

Watched a show on the new (ish) 11 dimensions and infinite universes. One guy said that what is needed is a brain like Albert's...able to cut through the crap and just "see" it.

My jury is still out when it comes to fur coats and such. I don't like the idea of torturous environments for the beasts, but we kill a whole bunch of animals and a mink is just one more...

Well, you've all probably seen this photoshopped version of this event...

Now we know what was really happening....

When I was in college they had a huge display and sale of tens of thousands of Disney cels from his cartoons. I could have bought all I wanted for $5 each. A steal then, of course, but I didn't have $5.

Have you ever been so poor.........

Count me in, boys and girls....

Well, at least we're ahead of Spain.....

By now you probably know how I feel about my right to have guns. Further, we know what happens when the criminals know they are the only ones armed.

 Not sure the difference between this (which I like) and those beauty contests for kids (which I don't like).

This is when I feel the most comfortable in my studio working on real art....

Not too long ago people thought that mental illness was caused by the devil inside the person, illness was god's punishment for sinners, and kissed frogs turned to princes'.

Amish Gone Wild....

And we let this shit happen without so much as a whimper...

Wake me when I'm famous.

Yes, my friends, it's edible spoons....
I love stuff like this over the "modern" shit most of us use...

I don't know what this means either, but I like the image...

These self-righteous pricks were all over campus when I was in school...

Nowadays, "Oh, joy! I didn't wake up dead" is my favorite time of day.....(sing this part) And I think to myself...what a wonderful world.
(you did good)

Everyone in the western hemisphere could tell this was not a prudent decision....

I like to ask women a lot of questions. Girls are so cute when they try to think.

Drop acid and watch cartoons or let the wife drive. Same thing.

Bin Laden when he still had a dick....

I've said it before and I will say it again, people are fucking hilarious.....

Do you think dyslexic people have difficulty dancing to "Y.M.C.A."?

I'm writing this from the hospital. Don't worry, the doctors say I am going to be okay, but I should warn you that the Dyson Ball Vacuum has a very misleading name.

The most appropriate tattoo in the history of tattoos....


PEACE: That brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.

This is painted on. I could have done that...but I didn't.

If you really think size doesn't matter....ask Pluto.

This Nurse's Day let's thank them for making sure we never have to change our parents' diapers.

I'm waiting for "Once you go black, you never go back" episode on Mythbusters.

What if the Mayan calendar ends in 5105 and we've just been holding it upside down?

If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.

Please remember, that you have just as much right to that sidewalk as those pricks....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For every $ spent soldiers die?

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