About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Artist have been using the device of giantness for a long, long time (think David). I've always found it fascinating.

Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."
Einstein has obviously never used a computer. 

Oh, Gentle Readers, finally someone has read my thoughts.
It is, in fact, a urinal with storage tank.

If you spout the party line...any party line...you have simply turned your mind over to manipulators...

Hey, all you guys who want higher corporate tax rates....they will just move some where else.....duh.

This is an idea for my nephew, Jim....

When I was young I hung out with my older brother and his friends. When I was in the second grade my teacher asked me what comes after 69 and I said, "Mouthwash."

Art students in some damn place have a streaming video of this goat. The interweb votes whether to watch it slaughtered. So far it's 3 to 1 to save it.

To that woman who complained that she loved my blog except for the "porn".....what you call porn, Europeans call a cereal commercial.

"Canada my ass!"

"No, officer, I'm not drunk, I'm just from Wisconsin."

How embarrassing. At least he's knocked out and won't remember it....

TRUE: This morning I listened to a MD about some things people can do to be more healthy. Among the top items were: Take an aspirin every day; Wear comfortable shoes; Eat meals and (if you take them) take naps at the same times every day.
(wear comfortable shoes.....write that shit down, folks)

I wish them the very, very best....I really, really do....

This is an ATM in Vatican City with instructions in Latin...yes, Latin...

You might want to look at the security measure carefully....

They grow up so fast don't they....

I shot my first turkey today! It was awesome!! Getting old is so much fun....but it scared the shit outta everyone in the frozen food aisle.

I wonder how long it took to clean the shit out of that plane....

No comment.

TRUE: This woman is 101 years old.
She saw Hitler in person.
She refused to salute.

So much for good-will ambassadors.... 

Don't have ugly children....which reminds me...
TRUE: There is an app to determine how ugly someone is.
We all learned this from the news at my favorite bar. It said that modern standards of beauty were calculated, then with the picture you take, the standards are compared against your image.
Someone at the bar said, I guess they use beautiful actresses and models to get the upscale.
I immediately said, "And Barbara Streiesand for the low end....uglier than that and you are, literally, off the scale.
It was a humorous moment.

The. Coolest. Man. On. Earth.

Speaking of being cool...seriously....
I personally know a man who spent seven years in the Hanoi Hilton as a prisoner of war. He is a hero....period.
But there are other heros. When a B-52 goes down, there are officers and NCO's on board. Did you ever notice that NONE of the NCO's were EVER taken prisoner? Think about that. The officer knew that if he bailed out he would be tortured in a cell. The NCO KNEW he would be murdered. Who is the hero?
Further, rules of war say that if a pilot bails out of a plane, it's bad form to shoot him while he floats down in a parachute....even though he may survive to climb right back in another plane and shoot at you.
But an NCO climbing out of a burning tank is fair game.
Kind of makes you wonder who's writing the rules don't it.

Bathroom in a dentist's office....

My, oh, my, somebody is very proud of themselves...

This is not shopped. It's a glass floor over an old elevator shaft in Mexico....

Have you ever been following a car that takes the same turns as you several times....then you turn on your blinker real early to let them know you aren't following them?


TRUE: There have been 2,000 patents granted on pasta shapes.

Fuck the Nike swash, I find the whole beanie thing hilarious...

 Matisse's "Dancers". I like it.
I actually like the fact I saw that connection.

Time flies when you're having rum.

This man builds model airplanes.

Very detailed model airplanes...

Very, very detailed model airplanes...

I once picked up a crossword puzzle that my wife had been working on. For one five letter answer she had written in a four letter word followed by a question mark.

Well, of course it is....

TRUE: Sunday night the TV cable and internet went down for three hours.....state fucking wide. I staggered in the house and my wife and I locked 'Doe in the headlight' stares and said simultaneously, "What the fuck do we do now?"
Now you young people probably know exactly what you would do....and I do remember when the only gym I entered was called the bedroom....but our fall back position was A) eat again, B) drive to a bar that had a dish, and C) sit staring at our devices and repeat hitting buttons.
Yeah, we chose C.

How to know you need to check yourself into Stupid Therapy....

I have always wanted to fuck a deaf girl.

 (did you squint?)

TRUE: I don't cry. I'm just allergic to sadness.

 I'm getting mixed signals here....

This, Gentle Reader, is not a radical idea. It's called critical thinking and it's like the most important thing humankind ever invented.....

And your point is?

I don't know exactly what this means, but it sounds scary as shit....

Found this online. I call it architectural illusion...

And I do a lot of architectural illusions. This is one of mine. We later extended it to the end of the block.
 For whatever reason, there are many cities that want murals of buildings...usually old ones that no longer exists.
 This one is rather interesting. On the outside of a furniture store I painted it to look like brick arches with workers on the dock. Then I painted their delivery trucks to look the same.
Then they got a new building and I duplicated the idea (painted brick on drywall) and one of their trucks outside the arches.
 Some people must not read history very well...

Okay, this is cool as fucking shit. Read carefully.
The answer: [ $5, which makes the bat $105 = bat costs $100 more ]

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