About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Welcome to America, folks. You want some fries with that?

Remember these? The rocks move and for decades it was a complete mystery. Now we know that during the rare showers, the surface gets very slick and the ground winds (which always blows in one direction) can reach 80 MPH.

In hindsight, the "You Honk I Drink" bumper sticker was probably ill-advised.

If government is the answer, just how stupid was the question?

  I have posted both of these images before. Come to find out they are small models...

What my wife calls "Talking Back", I call "Explaining".

Let's suppose that Mohammed was right and all you good Christians were sent to hell even though you led perfect lives. Would you call that cruel?
Now think of it the other way around.

You have GOT to read all of this.....

Blood in a needle....

This guy is having a ball making these...

Exhaustipated: Just too tired to give a shit.


  No such survey was needed in soccer....

Just two reasons I loved strolling around Paris...


Go ahead. Give them a moment of your thoughts...

Just another reason I don't take public transportation...

One does not simply let the balloon hit the floor.

I used to do this all the time. The trick is to let the coin find its own place...honest.

I'm such a sucker for these things...

Sierra Leone. That is all.

This is a trend at parties now. Bravo!

"Walk this way..."

I come from a long line of muralists....
filiopietistic, adj; pertaining to reverence of forebears or tradition.

  I have a friend who got a job acting in police training films many years ago. These films are shown to every police officer when they attend the Police Academy. Once he was stopped for speeding and the cop said, "You're Fleeing Felon!!!!!"

That awkward moment when someone you hate is breathing.

Words escape me....

Vlut: a virgin that acts like a slut.


Someone, some place was the last door-to-door encyclopedia salesman.

 This is a whole, uncooked egg, minus the shell. To make one of your own, soak an egg in vinegar for two days.

Oh, the irony....

Endangered: From the latin dang; meaning we are fucked.

I was eating Oreos and I was dunking it in milk and the cookie broke and sunk to the bottom so now I'm just staring at the glass wondering why bad things happen to good people.

Today I told a guy he was clueless. He screeched, "Clueless?!? I haven't got the foggiest idea what the heck you're talking about.

Not only does 12+1=11+2, but the letters "twelve plus one" rearranged to give you "eleven plus two".

We have these growing in our yard. They are a gift that I treasure.

One day I would like to put vanilla pudding in a mayonnaise  jar and eat it in public.

You know how much fun it would be to be named Simon and speak in the third person.

  Same thing if you ask me.

All she needed was a little motivation...

1 comment:

Jambe said...

Dunno if you've seen http://iwdrm.tumblr.com/ but there's hundreds of great "cinemagraphs" there.

I don't know what to make of that drumstick-crotch implied-tranny image. I did lol at it, though. It's certainly a "caption this photo" contest image if ever there was one...

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