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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Once someone told Fred that it must be great to do something you love for a living. Fred did not agree. He said he hated dancing. He liked the choreography, but the dancing was just hard work.
I feel the same way with murals. I love the design part, but applying paint is pure fucking work.

How can this be tolerated?

Why live in a $200,000 house when you can live under a $20 million bridge?

You know you can feed a lot of squirrels into those pneumatic tubes at the bank before the teller finds the shut off switch.

Cultural differences.....go figure....

A double-double rainbow. Caused by two levels of mist of course, but still impressive.

Feeding little lion cubs...aren't they cute?

I feel sorry for people who can't smoke their houseplants.

My brother had a competitive chili team called "Roadkill".


If he was any more inbred he'd be a sandwich.

It just ain't right, ya'll.

Well, this 6 year old already has it figured out...

No comment....

I'm not sure why some people call this porn, but if a guy did it, it would be just fine.

Cultural biases were created by people we don't know and may have had very much different views that you and I...

Some people riot differently than others...

Now this kid has it figured out...
One of the most troubling quotes I've ever heard is "If you're doing nothing wrong, then you have nothing to fear." Yeah, right.

Highly motivated, he.......

A fucking nickel???????? This guy left a lot of money on the table. I'll bet millions of Americans would pony up a buck or two if shipping was free.

I think that this guy's insurance premium should be higher...
If I have to pay higher premiums due to my stupid decision to smoke, then ALL stupid decisions should pay more.

Just another reason I love dogs...

Isaac Asimov proposed a simple way to distinguish chemist from non-chemists. (this is cool as shit)
Ask them to read aloud the word "unionized".

I have posted this before, but since those are my daughters' names, I figured it was worth another look...

Why did Sara fall off the swing?
   I don't know. Why?
She had no arms.
Knock, knock.
   Who's there?
Not Sara.

A fish skeleton on the beach with the sunset through the eye hole....something you don't see every day....

I have seen my last dead body....I hope....

Explaining the cause of his divorce, my friend said, "Let's just say if my ex's vagina cured cancer, none of my friends would ever need chemo.
He added that he wanted to name his daughter Bambi, in hopes that someone would shoot her mother.

Fake wounds for a disaster exercise...those guys are good...

How so very, very true....

This is my young buddy in a race down and back up a huge stone quarry....He said it just about kicked his ass....

You know that feeling you get when someone says, "Turn around and act normal."

I have one of these....but it's labeled Bud Light....

My wife has taken up another exercise plan....

This is the Phalanx 1B CIWS. It has a 4,500 rpm rate of fire. Nickname - R2-D2.
It's job is to shoot down anything headed for the ship by aiming ahead of the flight path and simply filling its path with bullets.

RIP you magnificent bastard.....

I loved this movie and say that to my wife all the time...

I detest plastic furniture. When I just have to eat food from a place like this, I elect to eat it in my truck.

This looks so quaint, but when I was in Europe in the late '60's, they had changed the roads to highways and it will scare the shit out of you going 60 mph with huge trees two feet away.

Wouldn't you hate to be the government lawyer trying to defend this case......I think they should just start throwing money at the kid until he went away....And remember, he was totally innocent of all charges....

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