Mom, the internet.
Internet, my mom.
Have you ever been so hungover that you...
One of these days, my friends...
And then all the sudden....SCIENCE!
I know an old guy who spends his days tramping through the woods looking for wood like this. It works best if it's quasi-swamp land...
What it is is irony...
In Sweden (?) they already have lanes with special coatings to recharge cars as they drive...
Also, using the same paint that makes the Coors cans change color when cold, this highway glows when there are icy conditions...
Dolphin entangled in fishing line seeks out divers for help...
He went up for air several times, then returned to the guy with the pliers...
From a talk...
You may find this hard to believe, but I think this is a great idea...
When I get grandchildren, this is going to be my first purchase...
I desperately need a translation...
If stupidity was in the Olympics, you'd win a Nobel Prize.
This is a used air bag...
Have you ever had someone love you so much that they ate one of your bandaids?
And then Moses was like, "Bro, check out this burning bush," and I was like "That's what she said."
Why would Ravenclaw's symbol be an eagle instead of a Raven?
Does this French troop look like a surrender monkey to you?
New type of hot spots...
Kiss Cam...
You had one job...
When you come in and find your wife very sad, do not ask if it's because of their haircut.
Have you ever drank so much that you start photoshopping people?
Men, if you are going to watch porn, at least learn from it.
I've seen piercings all over the body, but this one really made me cringe...
Another reason to give Lance Armstrong a break...I tried riding a bike once on drugs and ran in the ditch three times in the first block.
"If I had a nickel for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you, well, I guess I'd have five cents."
(write that shit works)
There was a concealed weapons instructor on TV who said, "Most of the people in my classes I wouldn't trust with cutlery."
- Rosa Parks
Nobody asks why people need to marry people of the same sex. They don't ask why you have a need to draw a cartoon of Mohammed. No body asks why you need to smoke marijuana if you want.
Then why do I have to explain why I "need" a 30 round clip for my weapon. Okay, I don't need it. I WANT it, now shut the fuck up.
In explaining my blog I told a guy I try to include an example of beautiful photography in each post. He said, "I have no interest in non-nude images."
If Beyonce can be forgiven for lip-syncing her song, why was she even there? Why not just prop up a cardboard cutout? Although, as I hope I made clear yesterday, I thought the whole lurid affair was embarrassing.
Ones of my very own...
1 comment:
It is woeful and ironic that so many Americans dislike the French. We may well have lost the Revolutionary War without their aid, and the debt said aid incurred contributed to their own bloody revolution and all the subsequent upheaval (during which, coincidentally, the French utterly dominated much of Europe). French military history is fascinating.
That soldier's decision to wear a video-game-inspired bandanna during deployment was... perhaps not the best idea. The French Army certainly isn't happy about it.
I don't care much about the silly kerchief, honestly, but I do care about the spread of intemperate sharia throughout Africa (and about how the West will react to it). Such a fucking mess. Apparently the French are asking us to send surveillance drones to help them monitor the north of Mali...
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