About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


These are people faking being famous people in order to get the colored markers in just the right spot...
I found the whole ordeal disgusting.
During football games, people who score touchdowns often jump into the stands in celebration.
But how pathetic is it that even when there are five minutes left in the game and they are behind 40 points, they still do the same thing.
This is from that movie in the future when everybody is stupid. I find his inauguration much more honest.
Our country is going straight down the drain and we pomp and circumstance just like happy days were here again.

Also appalling to me was scenes like this. Standing in witness of this moment, the only thing these people think to do is take a fucking photo with their fucking phone. The moment is lost, except for that image (the same fucking image that everyone else has).
Of course, they have examples....

The only humorous thing I saw...

My penis is beautiful.

Nothing says 'I love you' quite like beer.

The eternal game of predator-prey...

I've never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful.

Hard work has a future payoff.

Laziness pays off now.

Had Prof. Jones worked at West Virginia University...

Never miss a good chance to shut up.

Be good and you will be lonesome.

My favorite animal is steak.

Old news, but it's from BBC so it must be true...

Never hold a lightsaber by the blade.

There is no wrong way to consume alcohol.

Scientists do it under the table. Periodically.

TRUE: Two strange things that have happened.
Today I drove to my favorite Bo Jangles. I like a good two piece dark with either pinto beans or mashed potatoes and I eat it in my truck as I listen to a guy read me a book.
Well, today as I neared the window I decided to tell them that after all these years they have never messed up my meal in any way and I would just like to thank them.
It being noonish, they were very busy so I passed on taking up their time. Then when I parked my truck I discovered that I was given mashed potatoes instead of pinto beans, I got white meat instead of dark and...AND I WAS GIVEN THE WRONG CHANGE.
I swear that's true. How could it be?
Item 2: I have trouble backing my truck out of my drive because the camper shell blocks my few view. So when I got my new cart I realized how easy I could see and that I had never tried to back out of the drive to find there was a car coming. Now after all these months, not once has there been a car coming when I wanted to back out.
What are the chances?

I spent the last month reading through the 41,200,000 results for 'internet addiction'.

Ones of my very own....

Guess who this guy's daddy is...

It saddens me that millions of young black people have given up....after all the sacrifice in their name...

It's very difficult to be racist during wartime...

I would have bet real money that the committee would have chosen a black guy/gal to carve this. Doesn't make sense otherwise. Why they settled on a Chinaman is most perplexing...

I like to have the Super Bowl party at my house so I can wear my lucky jock strap.....only my lucky jock strap.

Not really having a favorite team in the Super Bowl means I can pass out during the coin flip again.


My wife told me that she isn't a sex object, but every time I ask for sex she objects.

If that was my mother's car, I would never stop doing this...

You know you're a Southerner when you take your dog for a walk and you both use the same tree.

Clever....but wouldn't a nail work just as well...

Perfection is easily achieved by setting low standards and using poor quality control.

Read that a dog has over 100 different facial expressions...

This man's father was a crime boss...that is not in question. What is in question is what the other crime bosses expected with young Kennedy in the White House. What they got was Robert going after organized crime with a passion, which must have pissed them off real badly. And you do remember what crime bosses do when they get pissed off...

I think the "feelers" on its face are very important, but I can't remember why...

How odd...

This is an Escher that I found on a site about illusions. I see no illusion.

"I'll get that motherfuckin' devil out of yo sinful ass!"

I think we ought to cut Lance Armstrong some slack just for having to spend all that time with French people.

Have I got an idea for you...

I've seen this very thing....sans snow...

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