About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


"There's some creepy cracker following me."

That's what Trayvon Martin's girlfriend said he said on phone.
Talking heads on MSNBC said, "The use of the word "cracker" tells us nothing about Trevon's state of mine, it's just the way people talk on the phone."
Think about that. What if the Zimmerman guy had said, "I'm following a creepy nigger guy"?
I detest double standards.
But the point that I have never heard addressed is Trayvon's right to apply the "Stand Your Ground" law. If he felt threatened, then he was within his rights to attack Zimmerman.

 My daughter watched every second of this and gave me blow by blow updates.

Brazil in a nutshell...

Did you hear about the Supreme Court ruling? Blacks can vote now!

 Probably seen this already. That son of a bitch chased the car for three miles!

Why do people do shit like this? They have no idea what section of the road is going to fall in next...

You roll the dice, you take your chances.....evolutionarily speaking...

Star Wars elevator prank......

“The greatest masterpiece in literature is only a dictionary out of order” — Jean Cocteau

Well, he did look a little depressed to me...

Which is, of course, the whole fucking point of having a dog...

Back when my dick still worked...


 Don’t kiss anyone’s ass. Don’t do it. For the rest of your life, everyone will always tell you, ‘Pick your battles. Kiss a little bit of ass. Then you get to stop kissing ass later.’ It’s a lie. They all just want their ass kissed. They think that if they tell you that they’re gonna get to kiss less ass too. It’s all garbage. It’s all bullshit.

Who else hates those awkward conversations between you and the person cutting your hair?

High school teachers play a little game called "Who's still a virgin." Elementary teachers play a game called, "Who's going to jail first."

 You have to admit, Beer Man looks like he had it coming.

They have to do this....
 ...so that this doesn't happen...

Yeah, like I want to move my whole fucking arm...

I thought that my life would suddenly improve if I grew a beard. And I was literally 100% totally correct.

When you have bacon in your mouth, it doesn't matter who's president.

 I had dozens of hats made up for my crew that read "EVENT STAFF", but the ones I wore just said "EVENT".
Ego. Pure ego.

I would so wear this if I still wore a belt...

What if PMS isn't real and that time of month they are just being honest?

If it wasn't for magazine racks at grocery store checkout lines, I would have no idea what I didn't give a shit about.

Repairs to ancient manuscripts...

These are the "arrows" in Pompeii that direct men to brothels...

One of my very own...

This took me a moment...

This is how an body-armor piercing round works...
 The vest stops the "slug" that just peels away, but the dart just keeps on going.

Remember when the M in MTV stood for music instead of Morons?

You don't remember what happened. What you remember becomes what happened.

Growing up, I thought that slipping on a banana peel would be much more of a problem than it turned out to be.

Well, those karate lesson finally came in handy...

There are 2 reason why I don't trust people:
1. I don't know them.
2. I do know them.

Why the fuck isn't this in every supermarket in every toast eating nation on earth? 

Something you don't see every fucking day...

I hate children. I'm like the opposite of a pedophile.

Thought this was one of the most beautiful photographs I had ever seen...
 Then I found out it was white ink on a black surface by Daniel Danger.
Now I don't know how I feel about it.

Flushing black water with gray water.....brilliant...

Always be prepared...
 Let's look at that warrior up close...

My wife does this...


Jambe said...

It's disheartening that some subset of American society needs such ridiculous political antics in order to ensure access to basic reproductive choices, but I suppose it's quite heartening that somebody has the gumption to do engage in said antics.

Ridiculous behavior engaged in for an admirable cause. Reality: how absurd!

Also, I really like that urinal/sink combo. On a related note, I also like earth berms and green roofs and runoff collection. The Ogallala isn't getting any wetter, after all.

Spider Borland said...

I actually own a print by Daniel Danger. I love his style and his quiet creepiness. I used one of his pieces as a Christmas Card with some Nine Inch Nails lyrics a few years ago.

As an Interior Designer, I love that urinal concept. I've often thought that toilets were a waste of perfectly good water when we produce grey water constantly in our homes. At least have our sinks drain into the tanks, or something.

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