About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


And no, it does not refer to the
current state of my sexual prowess. 

Let's begin with something damn important!

My new most favorite person in the whole world has put this together for me. I am so in awe that I plan to change my will.
Seriously, it blew me the fuck away!

>>>>> CLICK HERE <<<<<



My condolences to Prince William on the royal vagina's ruination.
Here's what he's got to look forward to...


Here's where that gag came from...a man asked for a photo of him proposing to his girlfriend at Disney World, when that guy fucked it up...

I didn't think it worth sharing until the internet got a hold of it...
And those are but a few of the dozens...in less than 24 hours.

I wonder how many people won't get that.

It's funny how the British spell giving birth to a royal baby "bouring".
This is Britain's chance to outshine the USA by not naming the royal baby after a fruit, plant or direction.

The royal baby was born weighing 8 pounds, 

or 5 dollars US.

And the almost too silly to post...

I hope very much that those are my last words on that subject.


It's really cool up here in the mountains. Last night we slept with the window wide open and breathed in the mountain air all night. This morning I awoke ready to demasculinize a bear.

Cadillac Jack is a book that my crew and I listened to on a long road trip one time. We liked it very much. It was written by Larry McMurtry, who wrote Lonesome Dove.

Last night I pointed out to my wife that there was not one obese person in a restaurant of 80 persons. I said, Maybe gamblers gamble instead of eat. 
Then this morning we went to the free breakfast and all bets were off. My wife and I were the thinnest people in the room.
I don't know what that means, if anything...just an observation. 
But it probably explains these chairs...

Wife took this picture outside our hotel yesterday afternoon. I thought it beautiful.
There is an epidemic of pine beetles that killed all those trees...the setting sun did the rest.

I am a very skeptical person, especially when somebody stands to make money off of a claim to fame, but this seems legit...I mean, the motherfucker had to die somewhere...

They have a sign and everything...

And even a badly executed statue in the cemetery...

This downtown building has special windows to display their "wares"...

Speaking of windows....it is pretty sweet to wake up to this view every morning...
 And remember, we are on the fourth floor.

Am I the only one who, when asked to explain my actions, gave as an excuse: "pub-based reasons"?

There is no good reason most people go to work in an office building. So much of the work could be done at home on a computer. As I understand it, when tried, this arrangement increased productivity.

A clever way to keep track of whether your coffee is stale...
 But some people missed the whole fucking cup in a cup turning thing concept...

My daughter thought this very clever...

 This is the way I look most all the time...
One of the biggest compliments I've ever been paid was my ex-partner describing me to other people as, "The man is always thinking." I try to live up to his standard.
By the way, I pride myself on being a good listener.

How white people react to a card trick in the park...

How black people react...
No, little friend. A black guy made that video.

If my dog could text, all the messages would be "Where are you????????"

My history professor told me that the English took one of these pillars back to London with them. It took decades to negotiate its return...
 I find that shamefully arrogant.

Polar bears being fed from a Russian tank...

 Walrus sleeping on a Russian submarine...

The most expensive part of having kids is all the alcohol you have to drink.

Have you ever talked to somebody so stupid that you felt compelled to say, "You and your girlfriend use condoms, right?"

May you have an easier time finding your next girlfriend than you did finding your last one's clitoris.

 And my bet is each atom has that many quarks and shit.

No one makes me laugh as much as me.

Tip of the ladies: If you want a man to leave you alone in a bar, don't tell him you have a boyfriend. They don't care. Tell him you have a penis.

 What, pray tell, does a planarian worm have to remember?

Looked all over for this when I first told you about this subject....at least you know I didn't make it up...
Not that I'm averse to making shit up.

My wife passing through menopause...for five fucking years!

Randomly placed shopping carts; letting people know they are in a shitty neighborhood since, like, always.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch...
Question: Would not, of thousands of years, these same currents created a patch of coconuts, and other naturally floating debris?

Beautiful. Wood in all its glory...

Banning pornography? What's the UK cumming to?

Fish eats bug. Fish throws up bug...

When I was growing up I was called "The good-at-art kid".......that and faggot.

Who needs a thigh gap when you have a cup holder?

How the fuck did cyan get to be one of the three printer colors?

If you say "I seen", then I'll go ahead and assume that sentence will never be finished with "the inside of a book."

1 comment:

Spider Borland said...

There's the "That's Racist" joke, and you rebuke with "no, it's not because it was made by a black person."

What about this: As a white person, I'm offended by their portrayal of what white people do. So yeah, it's racist.

Double Standard.
White person makes fun of a black person = Racism.
Black person makes fun of a white person = Comedy.

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