About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Where Pink Floyd was from.

WARNING: The internet service has been hit or miss in some of the motels. We are about to enter the hinterland and you should be forewarned that a daily post is in no way guaranteed.

I wrote that warning last night and lo and behold tonight it takes 17 minutes to upload an image to this blog. Now you know why I drink.

Kind of wanted to see Devil's Tower, but somehow we ended up an hour's drive east of it, which would be a two hour trip to put us right back where we started, and I don't like paying for the same real estate twice.

But I've already seen dozens of the same thing, and the only difference is scale.

So we jumped right on a backroad. But as you can see, there really wasn't any place to tag...except trees and my screws aren't really long enough to get through the bark...

Only an hour's drive and Crazy Horse....done right for tourist.
You pull right through those gates on to a huge parking lot (like three football fields) and each parking place has this view...

This is what it's supposed to look like when it's finished...

This is Crazy Horse...

I don't see the likeness, but maybe that's just me...

We did not take the tour...I hate tourist that much.

Cool image I found on line...

This is the sign right next to where we parked...

Knowing the effort is not funded by the government, we gave them a hundred bucks...

Then a short drive to Mount Rushmore...with so many tourists that it looked like Disney World...
The only good thing about tourists is that every once in a while you see a T-shirt that brings a smile...

Unlike Crazy Horse, to be able to photograph Mount Rushmore required a 17 mile trek to the GRAND VIEW TERRACE. I made it in only 6 1/2 hours...

This I took a picture that looked just like a million other pictures on Google images...

On the drive out, it was rolling grasslands for a long, long way. I like this view so I forked it up but good...

Notice hairs on barb...

In case you're interested...

And then we topped a slight rise and everything changed quickly and drastically...

We were in the Badlands...
There used to be an ocean here. For millions of years little tiny marine life died and settled to the bottom and then, the ocean dried up. Then the area rose up. Then there was erosion, leaving this...
Oh, also, there were layers of volcanic ash. Anyway, I thought the striations mesmerizing...
There were many scenic pull-offs and each had a little fence around it...

Because of the number of visitors, I tagged the back of the post. To get this photo, I had to walk around the fence and stand....
...right on the edge of this...

This is our little cabin for the night...the one with the oozing Wifi. Looks kind of rustic...woodsy even, but looks can be deceiving...
This is directly across the street...
And those motherfuckers make weird noises.

But at least they furnish a bench and butt can for us smokers...

Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.

How about you do that instead of me.

Street art at it's finest...

My wife found a Girl Scout that takes debit cards. Shit just got real, ya'll.

Very few people can brag about getting a handjob from their barber after a haircut nowadays, but then again, very few people cut their own hair.

Guy running with the bikers in the Tour de France gets tripped by another spectator...

The longer you look at this, the funnier it gets...

Worth the read...

There is a huge difference between "worth less" and "worthless". Learn that difference.

Interesting headline...
You think?!

My wife still does this to me often...
(that is not my wife)

BTW...I'm very tired. I hope this post makes sense.

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