About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 26, 2013



Pronounced just like it's spelled

Had to drive on the interstate for a few miles to get us over to our back road. I've mentioned before the number of hay bail, but I am in awe. They even bail the median of the highway...
 These next two images don't really do it justice since the bales stretched to the horizon on both sides of the highway...

Finally we arrived at Highway 44, which we took all the way across South Dakota...

Besides being a beautiful drive...
 Every once in a while, tiny stretches of badlands terrain just popped up. These look like the Great Pyramids...

There are also other...oddities to find on back roads. I offer expertly rendered deer in old parts and tools...

An Indian reservation all housed in government issue modular housing...
 With every automobile they have ever owned parked right out there in the back yard...

Saw a herb of buffalo also. They looked a little anemic...
 ...and their lack of fierceness I blame on improper diet or global warming or both...

To get this picture all I had to do was honk my horn..

There was so much construction that it almost got me down. At this stop they had a red light on a crane. The other one was within sight (200 yards or so down the highway) and nothing...no men nor equipment...nothing was stirring. Yet I sat there for a good 20 minutes and felt like a lemming...

This delightful young woman stands there all day. They even let her wear her Day-Glo pajamas to work...
 She has a stool and her own bathroom...
But she kept us stopped for at least 45 minutes. We all cut off our engines and got out and walked around.

Then we hit the straight part of our journey, and there wasn't even a ripple off plumb...
 It went on like this for 100 miles...
Of course, most of the roads out here are straight as a groom's penis...

I have jaded on tagging fencing, so I found just the right spot and tagged a utility pole...
You knew it would happen spooner than later.


Last night I ate a smoked buffalo sandwich. It was very, very good. I can only assume they have buffalo ranches and raise them commercially.

We have learned that if there is a fly swatter in your motel room, you are in for a long, long night.

The motel here in Platte has a whole selection of hand made knives on display. I may buy one.

I so like other people doing stupid things...besides me...

Life is one long process of getting tired.

2. Start Over

 I'm not saying she's a slut...I'm just saying that her spawn point isn't set to her own bed very often.

A couple of days ago my wife asked me what I thought they would name the royal baby and I said George. And that's true.

The next time you want a tortilla, tell the Mexican waiter that you want "uno a-o Mexican crepe". Mexicans just love little jokes that belittle their culture.

Gas escape from around the cylinder...

Well, of course it did...

This old Egyptian guy knows how to hold a pistol...

And today in No-ville...

Another older guy who knows he is about to get his ass kicked, but stands his ground anyway...

It's all about the light...

Such stupid folly...

Speaking of stupid folly...

What if men walked around like this. Could be get mad (like women do when men look at cleavage) if women look at it?

That zany bastard...

My good buddy throwing something else real heavy...

Wondering about their 2 1/2 or 3 second delay. My ass would have been in Omaha by the time that son of a bitch his the ground...

Can you imagine trying to translate clicks and whistles and shit...

Make sure you know what you're looking at...

Just got back from eating a hamburger steak at "Short's". It was a much bigger place than I had it pegged for. When we took our seat, there was a large table of six or so older guys watching Wheel of Fortune whom I ignored. About half way through my meal another guy joined them and here is the conversation that ensured.
"What's up."
   "He gave his card back."
   "That stupid bastard gave his wild card back at the end  of the whole goddamn game."

When I got my meal I asked, "Do you have A1?"
She looked at me a second and asked, "Do you want A1?"

And on the way to eat I went by the office and bought a knife.
Made by a local master knife smith. He numbers every one and I got one of his first ones. Really don't know why it hasn't sold until now...

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