About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Where Harry Truman was not born or even visited as far as anyone knows.

STOP THE PRESSES....TRUE.....Just found out that in Trumann, Arkansas, a paralyzed man awoke this morning to discover that his little dog had eaten one of his testicles. What a numbnuts.
That is all.

Last night when we were planning today's journey, I spotted this just over the border in Arkansas...
I felt like it was calling my name, so, of course, I went there...
As you can see, the post is steel, so I tagged my last knife...
...and stomped it into the ground at the base...
...then I took my first selfie....
Well, technically, that wasn't my first.
I have a camera camera, not a iPhone, so I couldn't see what it was I was photographing. So the first thirty or forty looked like this...

This is the "town" of Ralph....note flag. Surprisingly he had a very large, very expensive telescope on his porch...
And one could surmise that Ralph lives there...

Stopped to pee in this lovely area, so....
 Tagged it with first of Utensils 2.0; the ones from the thrift shop...

My next pee stop I figured out a way to tag tree limbs...
 That "tree" I tagged during our Fossil Fiasco was not well secured, so this time I used two clips...one to hold the spoon and the other to secure the limb...
I think this is one of my finer efforts....it looks rather........majestic, perched up there watching the passersby...

As old as I am (and rather well-traveled), this is the first nuclear power plant I've ever seen...or as W. Bush would say "nooklier"...

Once we got to Ralph, we found that we were in 25mph hair-pin turn mountain terrain that was, for an old man, exhausting. And there was no way, save backtracking (something I refuse to do) to avoid it. Then there was a navigation error that I promised my wife I would not discuss in this post.

We stopped to get gas and my wife asked the woman if the road would straighten out soon. This woman called my wife "Baby Girl" several times (even though she was 20 years my wife's junior) and told us that the road would be "squirrelly" for a hundred miles (hundurd mile) or so.
Welcome to Arkansas.

At one point during the ride my wife shouted everything she said, and she said a lot to make her point. Finally I asked her why she was being so irritating and she pointed out that we were in Yellville, Arkansas. Funny lady.
(It's clearly seen on the map above...just north of Ralph)

I wanted to steal instead of buy Utensils 2.0, but my wife forbade me. I figured I could remove one spoon or fork from each restaurant in which we ate, then I could give a critique of the food and service on this blog...like free advertising....even photographic it. My wife was not swayed.

Help! I have no idea what this means.
...and I'm afraid that once I find out, it won't be funny.

Reality is for people who can't handle drugs.

3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the population.

This illustrates some of the ways children are harmed...

I would like to take a moment to apologize to all those I may have accidentally offended with my typos.
Sorry gays.

It's true that my wife and I are ready to be home. I asked her what she missed most and she said, "My handheld shower head."
I love her most ardently...and that is the truest words I've ever uttered.

If the Soviet Union got back together, would it be called the Soviet Reunion?

 I'm sorry to brag, but I thought that is one of my best OOMVO.

A friend at first thought this was me...

I think the worst time to be a penguin would be after an argument and you try to waddle away all angry and no matter how hard you try it doesn't work.

Choose your battles carefully, ladies...

What has been seen can't be unseen...
 And I saw it and be damned if I was going to be the only one.

Ladies, I assume you think this is as idiotic as I do....
 ....now look at the items in your room and explain to me what the difference is.
Now that I think about it, it's no worse than lifts in shoes and comb overs.

If there is a hell, you have to take stairs to get down there...

I love the beach so much, just seeing this relaxes me...

If I could, I would be doing things like this instead of Utensilizing....

Soon, my friends...all too soon....

What, exactly, is the thrill of climbing Everest now that the climb is catered?


Steve said...

GWB would say "nook-u-lar" rather than pronounce it correctly as "nooklier".

Jambe said...

Yeah, Dubya'd say "nookyalur!"

Alas, that's not a nookyalur facility. I'm pretty sure it's the White Bluff Power Plant, which burns coal. The huge chimney (or "flue-gas stack") is a giveaway: nuclear reactors don't combust anything and so don't have chimneys.

Nuclear reactors tend to be plain-looking dome-shaped things rather than the boxy mechanism-laden structures seen on either side of the chimney in your photo. Those are the plant's combustion centers.

The two big towers emitting water vapor are cooling devices; they manage heat in the steam turbine system. Such towers can be used with many steam-based thermal plants (e.g. coal, NG, oil, incineration, nuclear).


Here's a list of all nuke plants in the US:


Spider Borland said...

If that power plant was in Arkansas, it's name is Nuclear One. If you've made it as far as Yellville, and had to deal with a windy road, I'm guessing you were on 27. The road you were describing reminded me of 71 which is referred to as the Pigs Tail. Because of how windy it is... and it takes you to Fayetteville, AR. The home of the Razorbacks!

Woo Pig Sooie!

Anonymous said...

He could have wished to walk. Instead he only wished for spinners for his wheel chair.

Jambe said...

Well, Spider, the only nuke facility in AR is indeed Nuclear One, but it is not the power plant pictured above.

This is Nuclear One:


And this is the White Bluff Power Station, courtesy of the Ziegenhal family's flight and photo-taking around the area:


Here it is again looming in the distance behind Little Rock, taken by Paul Barrows:


Not the best photos, but those plus easily-obtainable satellite snaps prove fairly conclusive.

The elusive nukes must yet be sought!

I wonder what the NSA thinks of my random searching for info on nuclear facilities...


Spider Borland said...

I didn't think it looked right, hence my hesitation. You certainly were diligent in your research.

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