About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 4, 2013



Fourth Amendment of the Constitution: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated..

 “They agreed that it was neither possible nor necessary to educate people who never questioned anything.”
― Joseph Heller, Catch-22

"The Land of the Free"
He was later released without charges...like that should make us feel better.

I strongly believe I would be a much better person if I were constantly slightly drunk. And if I didn't drink, then how would everyone know how much I loved them at 2am?

Tree houses are sick because you are literally forcing a tree to hold the corpse of his fallen brother and if that's not depressing, I don't know what is.

Has anyone else ever threatened a misbehaving child with "Do that again and I'll knock you into next Tuesday"?

This is what I think graffiti is supposed to look like...

Any day that I don't press an elevator button that's already lit is a good day.

I remember the good old days when I could get a hard on just by watching a woman using a pelvic thrust to close a silverware drawer.

My deathbed confessions are going to be epic.

In almost any situation where something unpleasant happens, each party can be faulted...some, of course, much  more than the other. In an automobile accident one guy may be drunk, but the other driver may have been distracted by arguing with is wife, or not upgrading his glasses, or failing to have his brakes repaired.
This is not the case when one of the parties in the situation is a child. Children are NEVER at fault. No matter what they say, no matter what they do, violence is never acceptable.
Unless, of course, they piss off your dog...

Have you ever been watching a good TV show and a commercial comes on that is so irritating and you wish there was a volume level lower than mute?

There has got to be a story here...
I would venture to say that it looks like a high-tension cable snapped.

I thought one of the strongest scenes in the drama was when she taught him what sex was all about...

If Eve doomed the whole human race for a piece of fruit, what would the bitch have done for a pair of shoes?

If I'm not mistaken, these people are voting...
Those must be people who struggled for the right to vote.

I was driving down the interstate one time and saw a helicopter trimming limbs along power lines this way...
I couldn't figure how it was done, now I ran into this...
But the question remains: How do they keep it from turning and/or spinning so that the blades doesn't come into contact with the limbs?

One of my very own...
 I was accused of being obsessed with anal sex....OBSESSED! Let me be clear. A male will fuck anything...your mouth, vagina, cleavage, roast beef left on the counter too long, and if she has a glass eye she HAS been asked if he could stick the tip of his dick in her socket. It's like criticizing a coal miner for having coal dust on him. I mine the internet and lo and behold find funny shit about anal sex.

Within the bounds of argument, the internet gives you access to all of human knowledge. And what do we do with such power? Find anal sex humor.

There is every indication that the meteoric rise in support for gay marriage is reflected in people's support for legalizing marijuana...

That awkward moment while you are blowing your nose and realize you just peed a little.

Play Frisbee with my wife is amazingly similar to just running after a Frisbee.

 That is not what it looks like.

  This just goes to prove that men all have the same masturbation face....

My nephew sent me this...
But read it again. What it really is saying is that whoever lives on this side of the fence is the asshole.

How many times has somebody said to you, "Try and act normal."

It happens to me a lot.

This might have gone at the beginning with newsy shit...
It's called sarcasm. You might want to look it up.

1000 words...

Can you spot my alteration?

How did somebody too stupid to spell "fifty" get that much money?

Britain doesn't have an Independence Day, because everyone else got their Independence Day from Britain.

Armadillos don’t care. They just don’t fucking care.

 If Jofrey was any more inbred he'd be a sandwich.

I agree with every word of the above. I am a very polite smoker. Even in smoking areas I ask adjacent dinners if they mind if I smoke. But if I open a bar and allow smoking and you walk in and don't like it, the GO THE FUCK SOMEWHERE ELSE! What gives you the right to dictate to me what I allow in my own business? Oh, it's unhealthy? THEN FUCKING LEAVE! Vote with your pocketbook and quit fucking whining. You are an adult. Fucking act like it, instead of "I'm going to tell the teacher on you cause you're being naughty."

Instead of 140 characters for everyone, Tweets should be limited to your IQ.

How do you draw plans for something like this?

1000 words...

When something goes wrong with your life, just yell "Plot twist" and move on.

 And I bet her mother is proud.

How real men watch porn...
 And I bet his mother is proud.

I don't even know exactly what those are and they still sicken me.

Oh, look, they have a word for rap music...

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