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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence and just because one book says it's so doesn't prove it's so.

Why do you suppose that in the story of Noah, no kangaroos, polar bears or buffalos were mentioned? Because the writer had no idea that they even existed. Does that sound devinely inspired to you?

I do not think it is a matter of intelligence. I think it is a matter of refusing to think about it. You can't imagine how many people have ended a conversation with me with, "I can't explain that part of the bible, but it is written that we aren't supposed to understand it all. So I just accept it."
And that is what passes as a world view.
I had one woman say to me: "Why do you have to be so rational?"
That's about the best explanation of the problem I've ever heard.

What if parents acted like god? What if they told their children, "You must love me and do as I tell you or I will set you on fire."
Seriously, how would you judge people like that? Sane?
Further, what if these parents gave instructions that were impossible to obey....no masturbation, don't even think naughty thoughts, etc.

I would like to meet the brave motherfuckers who wears this...

And there are millions of modern people who see nothing silly in this...

I would love for a couple of commenters to this blog to look me in the eye and tell me that they believe this...and if they do, does this sound like an entity to trust....

If you only pick and choose the non-magic parts of the bible, that’s called morals, and you don’t need the bullshit to be a kind, ethical person. Morals were not invented in the Bronze Age.

Think a young lad's dick.

The biggest question I have is why there was no mention of any event in the bible by any of the hundreds of Roman (or any other) historians. If you know one, please send me the link.

And each and every one of them think (thought) their's is (was) the one true religion. I would find that very, very funny if only it didn't cause so many casualies.

Fear of the unknown is as old as self-aware humanity...
And since the very beginning there were those who would ease your fear by making up an answer to all your concerns. 
I know that you want answers. We all do. But when you look at the history of how religions developed, you will know it's invented to solve real human emotional distress...but invented nonetheless....thus, a lie.

Anti-Sermon's primary concern is Christianity and its god. The all-powerful, all-knowing god that can't seem to get anything right. He made the angels and hundreds of them told him to go fuck himself. He made the earth for man; a earth that seems to have no end of ways to kill us. He made man only for them to tell him to go fuck himself. So, what does a rational being do? Drown them all, of coure. Then they told him to go fuck himself again, so he sent his son who he allowed to be murdered. Yet this god is infallible. Ummmmm.

Now let's play a game...
A friend tells you that he has joined some new religion and asked you to join it. You ask him who is the leader and he tells you he's some homeless guy who is the son of god. You ask how he knows it's true and he tells you that the leader told him he was. And, the friend says, he performs real miracles. You ask if he had seen a miracle and he tells you No, but a lot of his closest friends had and they said so. You, of course, start poking holes in the story big enough to drive a truck through and he brings out his big gun. He says, "BUT HIS FRIENDS WROTE IT DOWN IN A BOOK! SO IT MUST BE TRUE!"

Christ was not the first "messiah" to perform miracles in the Bronze Age. He wasn't even the first one to be born from a virgin birth or even the first one to rise after three days. He was the one on the top of the heap when the Roman Emperor saw a comet and mistook it as a sign from god and became a Christian, thus creating the most powerful and corrupt organization the world had ever seen...the Roman Catholic Church. That is how such non-sense has endured for 2000 years....through power, not truth.....think Spanish Inquistion and Salem witch trials.
I once predicted that in two generations our great-grand children will scoff at the whole talking snake, walk on water, virgin birth, demon/angel mumbo-jumbo. I base that on how quickly modern thinking people have abandoned opposition to gay rights. With the internet, people are now influenced by individuals far outside their immediate peer group, thus facilitating rapid change. And for that reason, Gentle Reader, the internet is feared by oppressive regimes all over the world.  

1 comment:

Jambe said...

Those four paras at the end were especially nice.

I would add that modern science is not infallible, and that it is is (conceptually) the current pinnacle of our knowledge-pursuing tendency which evolved beyond old religions.

Those religions were our first attempts at assembling knowledge, back when we had fewer norms, principles and tools to guide us and thus were more swayed by raw instincts and emotions. Those religions turned inward and became ends-unto-themselves, whereas science turned outward and embraced doubt & "everything" as framed in a naturalistic, physicalist paradigm.

Naturalism is more emotionally satisfying than old religion because it's literally awesome to explore the world around us without injecting non-sequitur metaphysics into it. One can test or hypothesize in the scientific sense, yes, but one can also simply chat with another human being and consider it as having been worthwhile in and of itself.

The absurd fact that we exist at all should (and can) be reason enough to be nice to each other. "Be nice because something something Jesus" really misses the point...

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