About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, August 12, 2013

MONDAY #1721


For every one human killed by a shark, there are approximately 25 million sharks killed by humans.

A lightning vortex?

Have you ever been so pissed off that you....

There is a " you turn me on" joke in here somewhere...

I'll never forget discovering my first pubic hair......in my salad.

"Say hello to big Sal, boys."

Sometimes when I'm bored, I lay in the fetal position and see if I can beat my record of 9 months.

I've been told more than once that I’m one of the few people who look cool eating a cupcake.

Setting world record...

American tourist tries to measure his hand size against priceless statue...breaks it...

I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I didn’t become a better person.

Get it?

Alcohol is for people who can afford to lose some brain cells.

This is the way I look when my wife tells me we are in a restaurant that only serves sushi...

This guy seems to have it all figured out. I would very much like to meet him...

I learn something new every day. And forget five other things forever.

If anyone tells you that you drink too much, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

This is, in fact, a 1950's tutorial...

I took this pic on my trip. I imagined superimposing every footprint man has ever put on that landscape and bet that there were patches of land where no one has yet to trod...
Yeah, I think about shit like that all the time.

Bike airbag helmet...

Do not piss off a crazy bitch....

My wife forgot the chicken in the oven...again, and it was so black that Paula Deen wanted to apologize to it.

How to know the sign painter gets paid by the word...

There are millions of people alive today that have never played solitaire with real cards.

Just look at that face...
Does she look "aided" to you?

This is what a hero ought to look like...

Or, at least, it shouldn't.

Real headline...

Man hangs white canvas behind single trees...
Can we assume he uses a couple of cranes?

Shanghai: then and now....20 years progress...

Women on the same menstrual cycle as their friends should be referred to as gang members...that's how dangerous they are.

What a marvelously provocative image...
I am a big fan of moss growing in mortar cracks.

Most of you have no idea how valuable these dogs are...

There are tight jeans and there are tight jeans...

This gets funnier the longer you look at it...

"When you lose something, it actually helps to say the name of the thing that you've lost."

Notice both gloves raised...

My wife asked what she could do to help me prepare supper...
I told her to peel half the potatoes in the bag.

Back by popular demand, that wonderful map tour of what my friends call my "Spoon Tour".
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