About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, August 15, 2013



Have you ever thanked your dog for him making gagging noises before puking so you have time to get it off the sofa?

People who live in glass houses should not do things like this…

One of my old students, now grown, told me that I had given him the best advice of his life..."We never really grow up. We just act like adults because that's what we are expected to do." He further said, "And you told us that while you were spinning around in you desk chair."

I have a trophy wife....but obviously not first place.

A very rare photo of Bigfoot riding the Loch Ness Monster...
 And it's not photoshopped, either...I can tell by the pixels.

There is a new game where someone yells "Shatner" and everyone else has to overreact to whatever they are doing...

"The lonely one offers his hand too quickly to whomever he encounters."
Went moving to a new place, I was always skeptical of people who wanted to be my friend too soon...thinking, why don't they have any friends already. It's a pretty good rule.

REAL Breaking Bad fans did not see the season opener because they got addicted to crystal meth and sold their TV.

Technically, you are not drinking alone if your kids are home.

I know right from wrong. Wrong is the fun one.

Knowing that for years I worked for myself, people sometimes ask me if I liked it. I tell them that your boss doesn't care if you sleep in and will give you a handjob before going to work.

"I'm a registered Republican. I only seem liberal because I believe that hurricanes are caused by high barometric pressure and not gay marriage."

Read about unusual beaches. Here are a few...

I assumed that when I reached adulthood, I would have grown-up thoughts.

What if all those Greek statues are just Medusa's victims?
And does Medussa have pubic hair? And, if so, are they snakes, too?

Speaking of....
"You are a mean drunk, you know that?"
Can you get pregnant from that?

I have no idea what this means, but this exact same image was on just about every site I visit...

I would just like to thank all the CrossFit enthusiasts for keeping the weirdos away from my happy hour.

United States of American. United?! Who the fuck is united?

 Very observant man.

A face that only a mother could love...

When you are camping, the best, most useful tool to take along is a house.


Science World Museum's 'Orgasms Can Kill Pain' Ad Spices Up 'Science Of Sexuality' Exhibit

Big NFL trade today...one murderer for two armed robbers and a felon to be named later.

"Hold my saki and watch this..." 
 Did you notice that it blew the stupid bastard's coat off?
But the kids are still standing. I wish them the best.

 Define "unpleasant".

Worth the read...
I wish the motherfucker the very best.

Near-Death Experiences Spring From Surge Of Activity In Dying Brain, Rat Research Suggests
The article stated that suffocating mice's brain seems to fire just about every neuron at once. Might also be cause of seeing the "light at the end of the tunnel" or remembering seeing loved ones.
I surmise that the poor mouse is just trying to tap into every thing he knows to try to come up with a solution to his problem.

Shark fins for a soup...
 Did you know they catch the shark, cut off the fins, then throw them back in the sea very much alive....but not for long.
Luxury is a very ugly business...

Customs officers checked wolf skins at the Customs Inspection Center in Beijing Capital International Airport. A trading firm in Beijing is suspected of smuggling a total of 645 pieces of wolf skins from Greece...

Did you know that a dolphin has a man-sized penis? Neither does she...
Or, maybe she does.

What if ice didn't float?

Arizona Iced Tea is cheaper than bottled water.

Nine graves found with suspected vampires bent double...

There were no grave goods, not even the remains of clothing like buttons, in the initial discoveries that could give an idea of when they were buried. The ritual was in regular use in Poland from the arrival of Christianity in the 10th century until the First World War (the last known vampire burial in Poland took place in the east-central village of Old Mierzwice in 1914), so that doesn’t help narrow it down...

That's a big ass bullet for a gun that small.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ralph! Greeting from Nigeria!I absolutely love your sense of humour.Its so fucking refreshing.

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