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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Just because it's a bad idea, doesn't mean it's not going to be a good time.

This girl's skirt was so short I could see how many times her dad missed a dance recital from here.
(I have no idea what that means)

 The tie can be traced back to Croatian mercenaries at the court of Louis XIV. In order to stand out in the crowded court at Versailles, they wore cravats (from “Croate"). Some Frenchmen thought this look was stylish and adopted it themselves. But it was a Regency dandy named Beau Brummell (above) who really made it compulsory for men to wrap a piece of fabric tightly around their necks, a style which has never died out in the past 200 years.

"Welcome to the internet, I will be your guide."

There's bad, and then there's Rite-Aid-Manager bad.
(my nephew will find that hilarious)

I apologize for this, but I felt I owed my Aussie audience a gag...

If you can fake sincerity, you can fake anything.

For my wife, the baby whisperer...

I find it interesting that most men select a new suit because the gay guy at the store said they looked handsome in it.

They just opened a Walmart in Alabama with a dentist office inside. They have an express lane for people with 12 teeth or less.

A visual depict of life, Gentle Reader....

Damn nomenclature guy, are you even trying?

I don't think you should have to do anything unless you're enthusiastic about it.

While they may be a hindrance these days, heels were originally created for practical reasons. High heels on boots were first worn by men so that their shoes stayed in the stirrups while riding horses into battle. Then women in Italy started wearing huge platform shoes to raise them above the garbage and feces in the streets. While they kept the muck off of their dresses, the platforms, which could be up to a foot high, did make it virtually impossible to walk around unaided.

My bet is that she's Asian and has no idea what this says...

I have heard my wife chuckle demonically while changing the pulse setting on her shower head. Scary, that.

I like people who like to see other people smile...

Grenades are the ultimate five second rule challenge.

 My daughter wasn't much older than that kid when I let her win a game of four-square. But immediately her eyes squinted and she asked me if I had let her win. I said something like, Well, didn't it make you feel good? Then her lips curled and she spat, Don't you ever let me win agin.
And I never did.

 I remember them. We used to chew it and I fear to know what it was that I put in my mouth.

Time for Burning Man...

My #2 advisor on an abandoned railroad draw bridge in Cleveland... 

I would say no to drugs, but they only talk to me when I'm high.

Real Headline:

Texas approves renaming slave trade as “Atlantic triangular trade”

Just watched a pretty good move - King of Devil’s Island…like a Norwegian Cool Hand Luke/Lord of the Flies combination.

Did you ever get that feeling when you think faith in humanity is restored...
 ...then you go on the internet for 10 minutes and it's obliterated?

Watched a movie about gypsies. They said shit like this all the time...

How not to be a dick about it...

Read this review of a movie on Netflix...

Okay, Isolated Country Houses that are surrounded by woods, house with peeling paint, rust streaks on bathroom fixtures and old-fashioned turn-key locks are bad enough. Figure in an eviscerated local cat nailed to the front door the very first morning along with a girl who has been recently released from an asylum…what could possibly go wrong?!?

Real bonsai trees...

Daughter called to tell me a story and it made me prouder of myself than I have ever been....just thought you'd like to know. 

Great crossword clue: Shot in the arm.
_ _ _ _
Highlight for hint: [ starts with an A ]
Answer: [ ammo ]

...probably muttering curses.

Spirit of St. Louis...

It takes so much energy to lie. I wish more people could grasp the sense of freedom and liberation that comes with being honest and genuine.

Being an adult is the dumbest thing I've ever done.

And as a man with a mustache I can attest to the fact that these are absolutely true...

Every man who ever bought a camera...this was their first thought...

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