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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, September 6, 2013

FRIDAY #1744

"I'd kill for another Nobel Peace Prize," said Obama.

During a televised discussion of going to war, this guy needed a distraction....on line poker....
 Like invading another nation is not gamble enough.

Not sure I understand what she is trying to say...

I wonder how old this is...

Mural on the back of Acme Inc.....
The guy that painted this looked pretty much like me...long hair, full beard, white skin tanned...so we got confused for each other all the time.
He painted the mural above from inside a homemade plywood box attached to a cable and raised and lowered with a gear connected to an automobile starter. He had batteries in the box and when he turn it on the starter cranked it up.
Another time he had a twenty foot lift stage walkboard connected to two motors...one at each end forty feet off the ground. But he was on the lift alone, so to go up he would start one side, then hurry to the other end to start it. Then hurry back to the other end to stop it until it was level again, then turn it back on....confused? Anyway, one time he tripped over one of the dozens of gallons of paint he had on the walkboard and stopped to deal with it. Well, the end of the lift stage kept rising until it ended up dumping ALL the paint down to the ground, splashing all over his mural. The fire department had to get him down.
Here's the mural he was working on at the time...

For my wife...

My daughter will like this footnote...

You don't hear the phrase "kit and kaboodle" any more. For you people who don't know, a kit consists of eating utensils and pots needed to cook on the trail. A kaboodle is a crude hand whittled wooden dildo taken along in case your wife accompanies you into the wild.

Bartender asked me, "What can I get you?"
Me, "How about...drunk?"

Repost yet hilarious...

You can't imagine how embarrassed I was when I went to the Rape Center and discovered that they meant 'rape' as a noun and not a verb.

I spent four years in Bitburg, Germany. Best time of my life.
Notice that it's a very short drive to France, Luxemburg and Belgium. Trier was my main stomping grounds.

Over at Wired News, David Kravets reports on a number of developers who are trying to build secure email services capable of ensuring that your communications remain as private as possible.

One can only imagine that ribs were not the cut of choice among early people. I mean, seriously, it's mostly bone. But now it cost more than meatier cuts.
Same for chicken wings. Who woulda thunk?

When I asked my wife is she swallowed...

There a dozens of these strange arrows all over America...
 Come to find out, they are placed along the old air mail route across America...
 They originally had a beacon tower atop the arrow to guide them...

Me while my wife explains anuities to me...

Along the bottom of the screen during a CNN report was this number: $400,00.000. I found that very disquieting.

No matter how many people are in the room, you are totally alone when you throw up.

The vast majority of Americans have no idea what their rights are...
 "Sir, my I search your car?"
"Fuck you."

Heard a new verb: "He got alter boy’ed."

Has anyone seen the movie "Limits of Control"? I can't stop thinking about it and still don't know what it was about.....but still a cool movie.

And notice how it aaaalmost rolled one more time...

"The only thing that can beat me is a queen," he said with a smirk...
 For my friend, Mel.

McDonald's management rule #23: The employee with the most severe accent or speech impediment must work the drive thru at all times.

I grew up so poor that a woman saw me walking down the road in one shoe and asked me if I lost my shoe and I said, "No, I found one."

My short bartender once opined, "Why wasn't I born a 6ft tall model?"
I said, "Cause you would have gotten stuck in your mom's vagina."

 Sounds like mere distraction to me, and it's been done before...

This reminded me of the office in my school. The AC vent was right over the counter and pointed straight at the secretary. I crawled up and hung a file folder from the vent to divert the air and wrote on it "This is not a sign."

Robert Duvall in 'The Road'...

"Do you want the leftover bacon?" asked no one ever.

 I've never seen a bigger cry for help in a man's eyes.

 Maybe thats just the best way to stack rocks.

You can tell how smart people are by what they laugh at.

Regular naps prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving.

Wouldn't this be great is the people were placed to form real music...

Ever been to a party with a bunch of artors and actresses in attendence? They all try to out act each other and I find it fake and depressing...

Okay, thank you union people for the weekend.
However, when unions negotiate with a company, they are both vying for a bigger piece of the same pie. But when unions negotiate with government, there is no limit on pie size, which makes it totally unfair.

I pulled this off a movie set in 1915 because I thought they had fucked up by showing a "modern" clothes pin...
Come to find out, the spring was added in the late 1800's.


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