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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


These are chunks of old walls from Detroit that have been painted countless times throughout their history...
 The guy makes jewelry out of it...
My question has to do with colors. Who changes the color of their building or living room from bright blue to red?
Perhaps it was painted signs or something.

And this is considered normal to most Americans...

I'm having trouble thinking about this guy taking ridiculous orders from a photographer...

I fell in love with this image....
....but since I collected it I now think it's a painting, and don't know why that disappoints me.

This was a make-shift aircraft carrier made from the hulls of two scrap ships in the Great lakes, built to train WWII pilots how to land and take off on a moving runway without fear of German U-boats...

This gets funnier the longer you look at it...
Does she look like Leslie Nielsen to anybody but me?

I was born in Birmingham. This is what I grew up with...

Normal people being very, very clever...

One of the best lines in all of moviedom...

What did Kermit the frog say when Jim Henson died?

Rugby is for real men....
This, Gentle Reader, is where the term 'brown noser' came from.

I had no idea people did this...

Four young black men walk into store; there is no clerk in the store; they pay for everything they took. Thank you.

I feel sorry for Anne Frank. First she gets her diary published, which is every girl's worst nightmare. But on top of that, she doesn't get any money from it, which is every Jew's worst nightmare.

Do you remember what this represented?
The discovery of weapons.

I wonder how many people will even understand why this is kind of funny...

Some of life's best lessons are learned by watching your drunk friends.

I saw a study that said 'One out of ten people are gay.' I've had sex with twenty people. That really weirds me out, because statistically that means at least two of those guys were gay.

One of my favorite gluttons...
...eating enough food to sustain a village of Africans.

So..ah...Gentle Reader, how was your day at work?

Photographer has a whole collection of these...
I don't know why.

Headline that probably has never been written before...

Summer is almost over and nothing important melted in my car this year. Seriously, we haven't had even one day of 100 degrees.

Before beginning a blog, I just assumed I knew the difference between to, too and two.

I knew my wife had been around the block a few times when I saw her eat a hot dog and she put her hand behind her head.

You know you grew up in a rough neighborhood if you've ever heard anyone say, "Stop! Stop! He's already dead!"

And the blind date liaison that never reached fruition...

This is a severed toe that I have written about before.
A bar offered a drink and more or less dared you to drink it with the toe in it....seriously....
Well, a guy was taken to court for swallowing the motherfucking toe!!!
The jury awarded the bar owner $500.

She's just my type......naked....

Some commutes are better than others...
Ya gotta love drunk girls...spreading the joy and shit.

What if there was a job where you could masturbate for money?

Wouldn't the fuck we all?

I beg to disagree.

This is an etching press...they are marvels...
I love making etchings...me and Rembrandt.

Curiously heavy things, guns.

WTF, dude!? Go home and jack off or something. I mean damn!
You have to wonder if these two guys are related...

In college football there is what called a "hurry up offense". It is when they call three or so plays at once, then never have a huddle, thus denying the defense from substituting men. So college coaches are now signaling for a player to fake an injury to stop the clock.
I hate everything about that strategy.

Speaking of sports...A brawl at an Australian teen's rugby game resulted in a total of 92 years in bans.


Chuck said...

The paint "gemstone" material comes from auto factories. It is called Fordite.

Ralph Henry said...

AHA! That explains it!
It is created in paint rooms, thus explaining the layers of really bright colort.
The images I got came with one sentence of explanation and that it was from Detroit...no mention of auto factory.
Thank you very much for letting me know.

Spider Borland said...

The picture you said you fell in love with?
I can't unsee it...

Ralph Henry said...

Spider, I have no idea what it is I'm supposed to see in your image as per my image. Please advise.

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