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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


 Come to find out, they use it to calibrate their cameras.
The "wear" is just dust.

I thought they had put this behind them years ago...

 I only wish there was some way to hide the camera.

Really cheap anti-burglar device...

There should be an observation deck at Walmart.

 What if that "stripped down to their essentials" philosophy was applied to other things?

People put these out for a living...
 ...and they don't make enough money to do that.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Butt Out 2...
 I think I'm going to throw up now.

 So, this thing was discovered in 1920. How come I haven't heard about it?
Here's a fossil...

The North Korean public are as innocent as anyone else on the planet.

Sad, that.

I looked this up....and it's true...

Solar farm with llamas to keep the grass and weeds cut...
This is so intelligent on so many levels.

 Dear god, be careful what you take credit for.

 Did you read this part?
 Art. I don't think that word means what you think it means.

One of the most disgraceful days in our history...
 That guy is one of thousands of locals who worked with us and we abandoned them....to almost certain death.

There was much speculation as to what is happening here. One guessed that it was static exploding the vapors in the gas tank. And the ejection of the bed's contents suggest that.
But then why is the man running toward the cab? Someone suggested there was something volatile (oxygen tank?) in the cab and maybe he sees the passenger lighting a cigarette.
Or maybe it's a natural gas vehicle gone bad.
Or an inept pressure cooker bomber.
I'm open to further suggestions.

Picture of big dog...
 Fuck the dog. Those bitches have a refrigerator mounted in their window!!

Sometimes I think to myself, "Do I really want to drink another beer?"

Then I remember that there is a super volcano under Yellowstone that is 40,000 years overdue and when it erupts it could potentially cover most of North America in ash and create a volcanic winter that kills half the world's population.
And I'm like, fuck yeah I want another beer.

I can still wear the same size jeans I did in high school...


I love stuff like this...

You think dogs ever get disappointed that we don't lick them back?

Here are the examples they came up with...
 Here are some I found...
( and it was the Westboro Baptist Church)

(actually, she pretty much nailed it)

Thought that was odd until I read the article...

"Stop. My penis can only get so erect," said no man...ever.


tony said...

"Everyone must submit to governing authorities, for those in positions of authority have been placed there by God." This is true. Case in point: Obama is God's judgment against America. And although all authorities are placed by God, not all authorities acknowledge that debt and start doing whatever the heck they want, whether it pleases God or not. In that case, we must do what Peter and the other apostles did:

The apostles were brought in and made to appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest.
"We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name," he said. "Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man's blood."
Peter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than man!" (Acts 5:27-28)

You can't put all the evil that men do down to God. Another case in point, military chaplains have been ordered not to give mass. They should give mass, and often. They must obey God . . . etc. And if an authority (say, Obama), breaks the law (which he has), then they should face the judgment of the people, just like anyone else caught in a trespass.

Ralph Henry said...

Tony, I don't even know where to begin.
Just let me say this:
You need to talk to some people outside your church. There is no grand creator that gives a shit about you and how you live your 80 or so years fucking around on this nothing planet in a nothing galaxy. I realize that I have zero chance of convincing you of that, so I suggest you spend more time reading my Sunday's Anti-Sermons.
But speaking of Sanhedrin, have you ever wondered why none of the hundreds of Roman historians ever mentioned all the miracles and shit going on?
Please don't reply....I'm done with this.

Spider Borland said...

I don't believe in God.
Your argument is invalid.

tony said...

Again, I ask: why do you hate God so much? What has He done (in your mind) to you or not done?

Why doesn't Roman history mention Jesus? Why doesn't Roman history mention Pontius Pilate? There's A LOT that Roman history does not mention. Check this site below about Pontius Pilate, the Roman Procurator who had Jesus Christ crucified. This is the only place and reason he is mentioned in Roman history, is that he was the one who put Jesus to death!


And, is there any evidence from secular history that Jesus existed?


Maybe you need to talk to people outside your circle.

Spider Borland said...

I don't think we hate God. I'm not sure that God has done anything to us.

It's His FOLLOWERS that give us stomach ulcers and headaches. God says he loves ALL of us, but it's His FOLLOWERS that choose to damn and hate and condemn.

Luke 6:37 says “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;"

Yet all we ever hear is so called Christians casting people aside.

I'm Agnostic, which means I'm open minded. However, you rarely hear about an open minded Christian.

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