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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Last month, Turkey repealed its 1928 Alphabet Law, and legalized the letter Q, brought about by the Romanticization of Turkish writing, which was part of a larger project to assimilate Turkish minorities by standardizing the language and its spelling, and, in the process, banning many of the keys from the left side of the typewriter, including q, w and x, so that, for instance, "Maxim" became "Maksim".


The Central Park horse and buggy ride, for decades an iconic New York experience along with a Broadway show or a visit to the Empire State Building, is facing extinction.

Animal rights groups that had long argued horses do not belong in a congested, urban environment like midtown Manhattan suddenly find themselves with the upper hand.

Three weeks before the city's November 5 mayoral election, the top candidates both support ending the practice and say they are open to alternatives, like replacing the horses with 8-seat electric cars.


There are now fleas that are immune to our poisons.


We white people can only guess at what it's like to be a black person. Profiling can frustrate everyone concerned...
But in my neighborhood, these are the gangbangers that have been terrorizing the whole city. Let me repeat, these are my neighbors. Most of these guys have been arrested more times than you can count....then released.
The above are those guy's Facebook images...think about that.
So if you want to keep the street safer, do you ignore the skin color of all the people arrested in the violence and scrutinize everyone? Would you? Really?

Redskins’ Kike Owner Still Refuses To Change Team’s Offensive Name

My wife told me that many of her young female employees have broken up with boys because all they want to do is play games on their little devices. I find that sad.

 Did you notice the would be rapist is a black guy?

Would someone please tell me that this is photoshopped...

I'm getting pretty tired of people thinking going to college is just about getting a job. I always thought that going to college was about expanding your mind and exploring the thoughts of others.

He said that he actually said, "That's one small step for a man....", but the voice activated mike didn't pick up the A because he took a breath before saying "man"...

Australians don’t have sex…Australians mate.

True story about a man and a bear...

I have an irrational fear of guacamole.

10,000 years from now, people will probably be incredibly confused why they keep digging up dog shit perfectly preserved in plastic bags.

Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.

Along the scenic coast of the northern Aegean Sea, archaeologists have uncovered a Greek portico, which, 2,500 years ago, would have been a bustling public space, something like an ancient strip mall.

Abandoned 1984 winter olympic bobsled track, Sarajevo, Bosnia
 It was in the war, too...
 And is still mined...

During the Battle of Britain they took great plans to protect the pets...

There's no point growing up if you can't act a little childish sometimes.

Come to find out, Egyptian guards are bribed cheap.

Some people think I have a drinking problem.
I think I'm pretty good at it.

This was the title of an article I read about cave paintings...
Since then, I've been giving the notion that women painted the walls of caves a lot of thought....and I agree.

First, women spent way more time in the cave than men.
Second, women are the nesters...they care about decoration and shit like that.
Third, men are jerks.
I see it this way. She mixes up some paint and requests her man paint the cave walls. He goes up to the wall and does this shit, laughing at his own cleverness....
...KNOWING she won't like it. He fucked it up on purpose so she would grab the paint and say, "You stupid bastard, look what you did! I'll just do it myself."
Then she knocked this out in an afternoon while cleaning the mammoth, giving birth and fighting off a saber-toothed tiger.
While he said something like, "The front legs are too short on that brown one."

A photo-essay of sad things...

This is what happens when people realize they can vote themselves free stuff...
 Just sayin'.

And optimist is someone who isn't sure whether life is a tragedy or a comedy, but is tickled pink just to be in the play.

They have tests to determine a dog's intelligence.
Two test that I remember were these?
1. You throw a sheet over the dog. If the dog just stands there and does nothing, then it's stupid. A smart dog will shake it off.
2. If you let a dog watch you place a treat under one of two cups, then let him go, if he doesn't go directly to that cup, then it's stupid.

I couldn't have said it better myself...

This is the title of the article...

'I got hired at a Bangladesh sweatshop. Meet my 9-year-old boss'

In the Toronto Star, writer Raveena Aulakh gets hired at a Bangladesh sweatshop and meets an extraordinary 9-year-old girl whose life, deprived of education and many basic rights, is all too common. Reading this amazing undercover account, one wonders what will now become of the child, her identity revealed. Perhaps the only thing worse than working in a sweatshop at age 9 is having that job taken away, if your life and that of your family depends on it. A compelling, sad read.

We're all being judged by people who aren't even close to have their own shit together.

I don't make bad chemistry jokes because all the good ones argon.

I firmly agree...

Just because you can’t handle death doesn’t mean you can tell the rest of us how to live.

It has been proven that most people only listen to the start and end of sentences. That means at high school reunions you can actually get away with these.

"I am a promoter of crack cocaine around Harvard University."
"I'm an explore of pictures of naked Eskimos in the Arctic."
"I'm a writer of bad checks and am being investigated by Barnes and Noble."

This is how sex is supposed to end...

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