About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


It's just been revealed that while setting world records, this guy ate thousands of Chicken MacNuggets...

Think about that.

If my wife sleeps with a retard does it count as cheating?

Draw a simple picture.

Cover each section with corresponding fragments of tile.
Lay one clear shelf paper, lift all tile and apply to mastik on garbage can...then just grout.
This is similar only much more sophisticated...

Please tell me this is photoshopped...
No friend would let him do this...at least I know I would not.

Me when my wife leaves me alone at a party....

What you are missing on TV...



I like this guy...

My daughter KNOWS I would have surely done this to her...


And now the bad news...

Might as well dust off the old resume...

Guy fucks with Rockwells...
Those are alien pods on the floor.

You know, for smart people, they can be real stupid sometimes.

This is exactly what I told a young boy who said it wanted to be an artist when he grew up...

"Another cat picture."
"Silly, silly bastards."

And the peaceful way to view our existence...

So, how many sons can wear a mask of their father for Halloween?

Even after writing a dozen novels and countless short stories, I never like to call myself a writer…I’m a guy who writes….there’s a difference.


Every once in a while my dog gets a look in his eye like he's just realized I'm edible.

Worst Superhero ever…

Having all the answers just means you've been asked boring questions.

If you find one falsehood, then the whole document is suspect.

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