About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


 I wonder why we haven't seen any dramatic images of their tidal surge like we had from Japan.

I refuse to live in fear of my government...
Fuck those bastards. 

I didn't know all this...

If you ever feel sad, just remember that once Mick Jagger went to therapy for sex addiction, then ended up seducing and sleeping with his therapist.

I spent some time in Labrador...-56 degrees when I stepped off the plane....
 Wasn't a single nuclear weapon on the base by the time I arrived....I was there by mistake and left after only 3 months....thank fucking god.

When I'm told I have to wear underwear to enter the restaurant...

Tonight my wife asked me if I wanted to come look at her shit….what kind of woman does a thing like that to a sensitive man?

Despite all the attention lavished on Moon dust, we still don't know what effect the stuff has on human lungs ... which is kind of a big deal, considering the fact that the dust has busted through every vacuum seal its ever faced. And eaten through layers of moon boots.

Because that's the way god wants it.

When I watch adults close their eyes and bow their heads as they attempt to telepathically communicate with a deity invented in the Bronze Age by people who sacrificed goats....

Sometimes you win.
Sometimes you learn.

Fuck Al...

A folding bicycle for soldiers...

Amnesia's no so bad....although I don't have anything to compare it to.

Russia backed off its threat to charge Greenpeace with piracy...
 That's a good thing...right?

Where Buddhas come from...

Words that can get you in trouble in China is you post them...
 Just like in the good old USA.

If you are ever asked “Are you stoned?” you might as well just admit it cause they know already.

"We're not done with this scene yet...."

Don't let anyone tell you how to live your life.
Hey! Are you listening to me?

Abandoned child in London...

If you're right and you shut up, you're married.


If I have to go to heaven, they better take my belt and shoelaces.

Never.....NEVER will I tire of these...

My daughter when I explained what anal warts are and how you get them...

Laughter is the best medicine....except for Xanax.

Not even sure what I'm looking at here...but still kind of cool...

"What would you do if you only had a month to live?"
   "You mean when I'm not puking from the chemo?"

Let the fun begin...

Read this somewhere...

Isn't the internet great....

 Can you imagine forever being known as "Inbred Banjo Boy"?

Ask question, my friends...always ask questions.

Okay, I'm impressed....
Even at such an advanced age, does he look like somebody to fuck with?
I think not.

Bang on, oh pious one...bang on.

One of the most unique voices on the planet...
I'm actually a good leaf loving guy myself.

If only this could catch on...
Some people think that tradition is a good thing. I despise it. Every generation should be afforded the opportunity to make their own short-term traditions, unique to their needs, not just ape the needs of relatives long dead out of some misguided notion of respect.

Anybody care to opine as to what the fuck these people are doing?

Photographer's instructions...
 "Oh, and use this dish rag to keep your skid marks off the wife's fridge."

Think Van Gogh painted this about exercise time in the asylum...
And if all you see are a bunch of men walking around in a circle, then you might want to attempt to become more visually literate.

I like this...

Nobody looks evil in their sleep.

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