About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, December 6, 2013

FRIDAY #1833

 Look it up.

And yet he smiles...

After sex, my wife once slapped my ass and said, "Good game."

The word "Diputseromneve" my look ridiculous, but backwards it's even more stupid.

There no longer seems to be any point in pointing out the pointless.

 Kind of reminds me of a James Bond opener.

 I think he's base jumping.

Another good idea...

The luckiest man in the world...

Have you ever noticed that a woman's "I'll be ready in 5 minutes" and a man's "I'll be home in 5 minutes" are exactly the same?

And if you don't think muscles affect women, check out her face...

One of the most beautiful children I have ever met, campfire-lit and awesome...
 Ladies and gentlemen, my great-niece.

Barry Manilow didn't write his hit "I Write the Songs".

And in the true department....Young Female Chimpanzees Treat Sticks as Dolls: Growing Evidence of Biological Basis for Gender-Specific Play in Humans

The best abandoned house ever...

So my wife wanted to make a sex tape...

Every atom consists of 99.99999999999% empty space.
This means everything around you is mostly not there.

A bird is a bird.
A cat is a cat.
And a dog is a person.

What I don't like about Christmas office parties is looking for a job the next day.

The exact moment he realized he was gay...

"Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?"

Worse petting zoo ever...

Sometimes I have inside jokes with myself.

 (Football = Soccer)

Got this email from my nephew...

My dad called me today.  He was a little excited and said that "Uncle Clay's" son and Angel have been working on our genealogy for years.  It appears that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, we can trace our lineage back to one or more of the 29 people from the Mayflower that went on to have children.  They are just waiting for the written approval form the MF Society. From what your brother said, the lineage is on your mother's side. Did some research and 102 came over as passengers and only 29 survived to have offspring. I'll keep you updated as I learn more.

Here was my reply...

We all laughed at Uncle Clay's "research". Here's the story.
He joined WWII early, on the Canadian side. He was a fighter pilot who fought in the Battle of Britain years before Pearl Harbor. When he came home on leave he was promptly arrested for not responding to his US draft notice. After much effort he was allowed to join the US Army Air Corp.
Anyway, he hated Germans so much that during his genealogy research, if it started to point to German, he would stop and start looking somewhere else until finally he came up with a Scottish origin that he could tolerate. 
 But on a personal level, I couldn't care less. If the research had proved we came from an insane asylum I would care just the same. Nothing personal, but I just don't get the charm of it all....the ancestor worship.

Who do I talk to about getting my dick in a museum after I die?

Meat eating plants. How cool is that...

The only thing on my Christmas list...

Whales Have Accents and Regional Dialects: Biologists Interpret the Language of Sperm Whales

Sometimes I close my eyes and picture Mona Lisa with my dick in her mouth.

When I open a twelve pack of beer...

If words could kill, I’d sentence you to death.

There will not be a Saturday post.

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