About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, December 20, 2013

FRIDAY #1847

Dare I show you a picture of the venison sausage and eggs I cooked for dinner?

And then there's this headline...

It's all about the light...

I'm not sure if the car fixed itself or the check engine light broke too.

Scooters are for men who want to ride motorcycles, but prefer to feel the wind on their vagina.


I was making faces at a baby and I made it laugh so hard it shit itself. I fear I have become too powerful.

It stated that this is a very rare female samurai...
 It looks like a male samurai going down on her....and her not being impressed with his technique.

Can anyone explain this to me? 

My state of South Carolina is discussing legalizing hemp. A rare ray of sanity.
Then there's this...

My wife's secret Santa knows her very well...

This is a real ad...
Non-smoker preferred.

Is this what the world really needs?


I found the positioning of the three far-left words interesting.


 This is an example of a bad toy...
 This is an example of a good toy...

Look on the bright side of life...

This swing sends you out over a huge abyss....
 So, you are betting your life that some Mexican you don't know got the engineering right. Fuck that shit.


A book title...

 I have done such a thing with my own game. Here's the way it's played: You lay out 5 stacks of pennies. The stacks consist of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 pennies. Then each player takes turns taking as many pennies as they want, but can only take out of one stack at a time. The point is to leave the last penny for your opponent to pick up.
I am......a master.

I've been asked why the writers of the bible would just want to make stuff up. Why indeed...

I think I need one of these...

I find it cute when some sports cancel games due to the weather...

Soon people everywhere will participate in one of the best holiday games: The how-long-til-my-family-notices-I'm-drunk game.

I watched a couple of movies set in a cube like this whereby some of those panels turn into doors and stuff. Very unusual...

My wife's electric toothbrush broke while she was half finished brushing. She just stared at it like she had no idea how to finish.

 TRUE: I told my wife about a dream I had last night. My nephew Scott brought out his new son that I had never met and he was 5 years old and had a white beard bigger than mine. I can assure you I have never seen a face like that.

Get it?

NY Giants...the biggest disappoint in the NFL...
 I heard it's because Eli Manning gets paid so much that there's not enough money left to field a decent team.

Can you imagine men spending time doing this every morning?
 And women wonder why men make more money.


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