About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


That photo that my wife took at my bar got picked up by the local newspaper and they gave her credit for the photo!!!!

One would assume that the word "Urgent" should never appear in a headline about the space station...

I have a friend who played rugby. I wrote him about an article that suggested that football players should play WITHOUT helmets to reduce head injury. That sounds counter-intuitive, but it has to do with not using the head as a weapon....like rugby. Here is his reply to me:

Intriguing question.   For decades kids were taught to tackle with their face in the opponents chest, wrap them up and take them down.  While all things are relevant to the times, kids and adults that play ball are much bigger, faster, and stronger than ever before.   Possibly gaining these attributes ahead of the technological advances in equipment.   Supposedly Rugby does have less traumatic injuries than American football due to the fact they don't wear pads for protection.   YouTube will show you some devastating tackles and pancakes in Rugby....it's a rough sport.  I don't think that football without helmets is the solution. ..this is

Do multivitamins help your health? New research says nope.

Tonight my neighbor brough me some venison sausage from the first deer she has ever shot. You gottta love neighbors like that.

- To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you're not allowed to criticize.
- The greatest enemy of freedom is a happy slave.
- When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.
- Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
- The most wonderful thing in life is loving and being loved.

I agree with this also...which is probably why I make art out of them...

I once had an art professor who was asked, "Is it okay if your furniture matches your painting?"
 He answered, "If you buy the art first."

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I fucking love log cabins...

This one seems to have a roof that is a tad over-engineered...

 ....note ceiling...

How a century of dog breeding ruined these beautiful animals

Running pants...._ _ _ _ _ ...[ GASPS ]
Lab safety org...._ _ _ _ _ ...[ ASPCA ]

So it's come to this...

What say you?

The Rape of Prosperina, a sculpture in marble by Gianlorenzo Bernini.

Oldest Human Footprints In North America Identified, Said To Date Back 10,500 Years

Guy challenges strangers to pillow fights just for laughs...
 ...but some people don't see the humor in it...

You can't be my friend if you can't handle my weirdness, sarcasm, stupid jokes, and my tendency to laugh at just about anything.

God I love that gag.

I get a lot of compliments on my beard from total strangers...usually young men with beards of their own. Here's the way I have begun responding"
"You've got a great beard, man."
"I know."
I smile. They smile. Then I say, "I grew it myself."

I like doing this to images I find online.

Worth the time to read it all...

I can remember when this was unprotected and allowed to have graffiti spray painted all over it...

I found this helpful...
It's grEy in England and grAy in America.
Unless it's somebody's name, then all bets are off.

Yeah, but there's probably no Wifi there.

This has my name written all over it...

I want their job....
The "sit around and watch the guy in the suit" guys. The lab coat and booties are just a plus.

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