About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, December 2, 2013

MONDAY #1829

I once posted an opinion about people's reactions to sporting events being more jubilant than any other happenings in their lives. As proof I offer this...


Comet Ison...
And now, the only cartoon I've ever seen featuring a comet...

Had a great poker game in my studio Friday night. There were 5 other people besides me. Everyone lost money except me...that's what I call a great poker game.
It was a great game, but not the greatest game. Once I was on a road trip with 5 other guys and we, of course, played cards until the wee hours. The next morning at a hung-over breakfast one of the guys said, "I lost twenty-two-fucking dollars." The second guy said he lost $20, and as the bemoaning continued around the table it became obvious that I was the only winner at about $120.
Last night I only won $65 and that was in a quarter/half game, which is rather remarkable, even if I have to say so myself.
But there was a down side. One of the players got too drunk to drive and called a cab, and was told it would be 45 minutes. I had to go to bed, but my daughter, who was planning to sleep in my guest bedroom, said she would keep him company. The next morning my wife found my daughter curled up in my office chair....trying to sleep. I had automatically locked the door out of habit and my daughter couldn't get in the house.
I felt awful....and I mean that.

Art...you can't live with it, you can't nuke it from space...

What do you think is going on in Area 52?

This took me longer than it should...

Street walkers are kind of like drive-by dating.

If you could take just one medication, which medication would it be?

I have no idea why this is supposed to be funny...anyone?

The worst, most embarrassing part of soccer...

I often fantasize about encountering a defective product that might entitle me to compensation.

 Seriously. I would still stick my dick in her mouth.

And we are just fine with this....
 Well....most of us.

You think there was ever an Alexander, The Pretty Good?

 This looks exactly like the front of a toy box I made one time. I made each book out of various pieces of wood...some thick some thin. It was most effective.

If found this impressive, but wondered about how many of them are still functioning...

 Somebody must have been sick on the day they taught sportsmanship...

I once told me daughter that her gold fish ran away.

My wife uses government shutdowns to avoid intimacy.

Get it?

Even after you buy that new car, your life will remain fundamentally unchanged.

How to know you are not your mom's favorite...

Did you ever notice that in every movie where the hero is being chased through the woods by overwhelming force, there is always a cliff to jump from into a swift river with rapids?


I want Black Friday to be televised just like the hunger games. But seriously, I hope your Black Friday injuries aren't so severe that you can't click a mouse on Cyber Monday.

This is the exit code at an old people's home...

The worst things in life are also free.

 What kind of man would murder someone and not even bother to bury him?
Oh, here he is now...
 Let's take a closer look at this loser...
That, Gentle Reader, is why I own a gun.

"Making the bed is one of my favorite things to do," said no man ever.

This is not a video clip. I watched a clip about the laughing and how healthy it was...

I wonder how long it took to make this...

"I'm at the sperm place and this is awkward...but could you send me a pic so I can jack off and get out of here."

There is no such thing as drinks too strong, only men too weak.

 And what disappoints me is that most people seem to WANT to talk, dress, act, just like everyone else.


My wife once told me, "I haven't been fucked like that since grade school." I didn't ask her to explain.


I have OCD and ADD, so everything has to be perfect, but not for very long.

How to know you have left some jam in the jar...as it were...

The quickest way for a man to get his wife’s attention is to sit down and look comfortable.

I put on my pants the same as everyone else…reluctantly.


Saw this on TV...lady said, "I guess the roll cage saved hime."  You fucking think?!?!

So, what will it look like 56 years from now?

Took me much too long to figure this out...

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