About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


 Too soon?

 My question is, how is it even possible for the train to go too fast in this the computer age?
And, if you can build interstate highways without hairpin turns, why can't you build high speed rails without them?

How I imagine Black Friday...

And by some accounts, I wasn't far off.

This Alabama fan's expression speaks volumes...

Worth the read...

Make sure you read this guy's three steps at the bottom...

If this man's name is not Harry, then the world is askew...
I'm not sure, but I think the Honey Boo Boo family is just a family of bears that were shaved down and shown how to shit indoors.

"If you hit the bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Remember as a high school senior they called you into the office to make huge decisions about your career and financial future, when a month earlier you had to ask for permission to go to the bathroom?

Took my wife to a dog show. She didn't win.

 A Home Depot was going out of business in my town. I asked the guy how much the step ladders were and he said they weren't for sale. I laughed and said that the ROOF to the garden center had been sold and was being dismantled, so I knew step ladders were, in fact, for sale, and he needed to get his supervisor. He did and was told they were $200 each....I bought two.

After I slept with a girl in college, she patted me on the head and said, "Stay golden, pony boy."
I just smiled because I didn't know what the fuck else to do. But back then I used to date a lot of whores....because they did things whores do.

Another good idea...

A rare, leaked UN document reveals deep divisions among member-states about the war on drugs, with many nations demanding treatment and decriminalization instead of prohibition. The draft document, dating from September, is from the UN's attempt to set a global policy on drugs and drug trafficking. The document shows Ecuador demanding an official statement "that the world needs to look beyond prohibition" and Venezuela seeking recognition of "the economic implications of the current dominating health and law enforcement approach in tackling the world drug problem." Other dissenters include Norway, Switzerland and the EU.

If you’re going to be weird, be confident about it.

Not sure this guy thought through his pepper spray technique...

These billboards in London identify the planes as they fly over, complete with destination...
There must be more than two of these, cause the signs are different.

I’m not fat. 
I’m married.

I am not a child. I don't need someone picking out random words and condemning me for using them. I can be arrested for painting the word FUCK on the side of my truck. But painting fornicate, intercourse, or copulate is acceptable. It's bullsshit, people. Don't let them make you think you are crass for using a word that they don't or won't use...in public. We all know they use the words, just not in public.
And you remember the old gag about telling someone not to think about an elephant, which, of course, is impossible since telling them that will force them to think about it. That's the way I feel about the "F-bomb" or the "N-word". It's just all so silly.

The ONLY way to stop bullying...

Circuit board stickers....buy your children these....now...
And now there is a pen with metallic ink so you can draw your own circuit...
 The combination of those two products would be a great gift for any child.

 Took me longer than it should have to get that.

Is there no such thing as embarrassment when it comes to soccer?

Good judgment comes from experience, and experience…well, that comes from poor judgment.

That which doesn’t kill you will regroup and try again tomorrow.

Stealth mode enabled...

Winnie the Pooh and Jack the Ripper have the same middle name.


I knew I would make her my wife when she would put on a breathe right strips before blow jobs.

So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.

The road less taken is less taken for a reason.

 That's pretty much what I figured.
Women can be really sexist, but like everything else, men are just better at it.

The stress of leadership...

I just want to know how the hinges lock...

Once during a Gamecock football game, a banner plane flew over with this message: JOHN, LEAVE YOUR WIFE AND MARRY ME.
You just have to wonder how many men named John were at the game and had a whole bunch of explaining to do.

I think Israel is given a free pass to do whatever the fuck they want because if you speak out against them, then you are labeled an anti-semite.

What if the government is putting something in shampoo to control our minds, and that's why the people with the dirtiest hair have the most conspiracy theories?

Well, well, well...
Doesn't he just reek of privilege?

How to stifle the safe word...
Truthfully, that makes me uncomfortable.

No sense in being pessimistic, it wouldn’t work anyway.

Very, very, very, very?
What the fuck...I'm your guy.

Woodstock from the stage...
Woodstock toward the stage...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I worked a black Friday in the electronics boat at Target once. Once. At that time, we were at the far end from the front door, with a big long aisle leading directly towards us. And that IS exactly what it looked like. I remember thinking "now I know what they mean by 'sea of humanity'".

Funny thing was, the rush lasted MAYBE 30 minutes. We spent the rest of our shift wandering around the store picking up all of the electronic gewgaws that people just HAD to have at 5am. Most ended up not buying them and leaving them wherever. I learned then that you can show up at Noon and most what you want will still be there.

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