About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Some stuff that came in too late for my Christmas post...

This is hard to see even in slow motion. The puck is knocked up in the air and comes down in the back fold of the goalie's jersey. When he turns around at the goal he scores for the other team...

Now there's another surprise. The "free" health care some 55+ year old poor people signed up for comes with a price. If they manage to still own a house or anything else they were hoping to pass along to their heirs, all health care will be deducted from the estate.

Guy left this package on the back of his truck on purpose...
 Here's what was inside...

And now, Gentle Reader, the WORST cartoon of the season...

Naughty is such a relative word.

Picking a pocket with chop sticks...

I've been chatting with a cute 14 year old girl online. She's really flirty and sexy. Now she tells me she's an undercover cop. How fucking cool is that for someone her age.

I regert nothing.

It really bothers me that it is now seen as bad when someone thinks for themselves.
This distain for originality can be seen in fashion, tattoo choice and just about everything else in modern life. And it doesn't just apply to teenagers, who could be expected of such narrow mindedness.

This took me a moment...

Where is your god now?

At the UN...
This child is now a person of the world. She has transcended borders and I, for one, admire the shit out of her.

Well, that's awkward...

Money doesn't bring happiness.

The beer truck brings happiness.

Fans just trying to help their team by pointing out the goal...

At parties and such I like to tell my wife's friends that they look good, then add "For once".

Old people can get away with such things.

I have learned that when somebody shows a picture of their 15 year old daughter, one should not gasp, "WOW!"

Airplane graveyard in Arizona...
There is something very arty about that. Seriously, I like that very, very much.

Most worthless of products....
 ..."unbeatable" eggs...get it?

On March 17, 2013, an object about the size of a small boulder hit the lunar surface in Mare Imbrium...

This is the Grand Prize Winner of National Geographic's best photo of the year competition, taken by Seattle-based photographer Paul Souders. It's titled The Ice Bear, and it features a female polar bear staring at Paul from underwater....

I'm betting Bingo...

How the world will really end...look carefully...
 But wait, there's more...

The U.S. declared war on drugs and we have more drugs. We declared war on terrorism and we have more terrorism. We declared war on poverty and have more poverty. Maybe we should declare war on jobs and money and see what happens.

"I just turned 18 so now I can finally look at porn on my computer!" said no one ever.

To avoid anyone hearing embarrassing noises while I use the toilet in a public restroom, I simply scream as loud as I can the entire time. Problem solved.

I'm about as straight as a man can get, but I have the strangest urge to fuck that man right in the ass.

Condoms are not totally safe. A friend of mine was wearing on and fell down the escalator.

Some of these humored me...I like #35...hate #36...

We Southerners call that a win-win.
And with this son of a bitch, I could be the badest ass Johnny Appleseed on the planet...

Not shopped...


We can do better, folks...


Picking a generic design off the wall is so completely alien to the way my mind works that I have difficulty explaining it...
Two guys who work at my favorite bar have a tattoo that was created by picking three random pieces of paper out of a jar. The tattoo artist then made an original design involving those three objects. I found that delightful.
Here's another tattoo I found online...
This may not be a great tattoo, but AT LEAST there aren't a million more just like it!

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