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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013



Just wanted to help spread hope, peace, joy, and other marketing buzzwords. And good luck on celebrating Christ's birthday by ignoring the fact that he would have celebrated Hanukkah a whole holiday to celebrate a lamp staying on longer than it should have; and eaten at a Chinese restaurant had they had them.
And you don't need to worship Jesus to say Merry Christmas any more than you have to worship Thor to say Thursday.

My dad always gave my mother shit like this for Christmas...

Yeah, he was a prick.

SYDSE = Shit you don't see everyday.

Redneck outrage? You think?!
Who thought this would be a good idea?

Black Santa? Who gives a shit.

There is so much wrong with this ad...

I normally don't post anything about such stupid people, but this was kind of a cute take on the whole affair..

Even Detroit is getting in the Christmas spirit...

This man is dead...

And let's not forget the men and women in the military who will be working on Christmas...
Said the man who served in Labrador for a while.

The next time you feel really great, just keep feeling that way for the rest of your life. Works for me.

Fast acting TSA agent...

When four people show up at a four way stop at the same time...

She said she was only stripping to feed her kids, then got mad when I started tipping her with canned goods.

I just got kicked out of yet ANOTHER Dairy Queen for eating an ice cream cone too erotically.

 I find that hilarious.

Dating from the early 17th century, this book is bound in the skin of the priest Father Henry Garnet, who was executed in 1606 for his role in the Gunpowder Plot - the attempt to ignite 36 barrels of gunpowder under the British Parliament.

You think the choice of cars was accidental?
 He looks just like his mask, don't he?


The short answer is "No"...
 The long answer is "No."

How to properly cover up a near fall...

I've been preaching this for years...

Neanderthal cave. I mean, if you were looking for a place to live, wouldn't this be like the best place ever...
It even has a mother-in-law cave down below.
The Neanderthal woman whose toe bone was found in this cave was sequenced also reveals inbreeding may have been common among her recent ancestors, as her parents were closely related, possibly half-siblings

Every Christmas Day, the Queen takes to the TV to deliver a message to the nation. Every Christmas Day, Channel Four picks someone to deliver an alternative address for people who don't care what the Queen has to say. This year that person is Edward Snowden, who recently declared: 
"I defected from the government to the public."
In other Queen Elizabeth news, she pardons Alan Turing (but not the 50,000 other gay men the law unjustly criminalized)

Alan Turing has received a pardon under the "Royal Prerogative of Mercy by the Queen," 61 years after he was "chemically castrated" by court order as punishment for homosexuality. Less than two years of forced hormone treatments drove him to suicide at the age of 41. The pardon came at the request of the government's justice secretary. It's a wonderful vindication of Turing.

But I agree with Turing's biographer Dr Andrew Hodges, who says that the idea of a pardon for Turing establishes the principal that "a sufficiently valuable individual should be above the law which applies to everyone else." In my view, the Queen should have pardoned every man and woman persecuted under the cruel and unjust law that ruined so many lives.

Turing designed the ACE, one of the first designs for a stored-program computer.

By the way, the flag design was stolen right off the internet.

 My daughter helped make one of these.

A very efficient design that works very well and is probably used everywhere in the universe...

First of all...no.
Second of all....still no.

A shanty town for rich people...

Shanty Town is possibly one of the most tasteless and insensitive themed resort ever created. Located near Bloemfontein in South Africa, the slum-themed luxury resort operated by Emoya Luxury Hotel and Spa looks like a slum – but only from the outside. The resort consist of a dozen shacks made from scrap wood and corrugated metal, but is equipped with conveniences such as running water, electricity, geysers, and even under-floor heating and wireless Internet access. To make the stay a bit more authentic, the operators have installed paraffin lamps, candles and battery-operated radios, as well as the famous long-drop toilet. Boarders are encouraged to heat water in outdoor fires and take part in a communal fire pit surrounded by chairs made of rubber tires.

This is what I got my wife for Christmas...

Those zany Muslims...
It would have been more funny with Benny Hill music.

Couple of clever homeless signs...

Time lapse of street lights in fog...

Sun in multiple filters...

My wife makes me schedule our social events around her mood swings.

Carved out of solid rock in Ethiopia...

A good friend left this comment:

I watched Blackfish two nights ago. When I got to the part where the "professionals" were jerking off the whale, I said "there is no rationalization for this." I thought that I should take some screenshots and email you about the nonsense. But, you beat me to it. Agreed, the documentary is difficult to watch, but is a must-see.

(I just wonder if the phrase "beat me to it" was intentional)

On my Netflix, this is how they list Asian action movies:

Why you should not try to eat a water buffalo's wife...

1 comment:

Angel Slot said...

The church you posted from Ethiopia I have always found amazing. I hope to take the girls back home to see it in person. It was built in the 12th century and is one of 11 other churches in the town of Abba Libanos. Several others are worth giving a looksie at :) Love your blog and follow it often!

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