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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


"It's a Girl" is a documentary on Netflix. 
I strongly suggest you watch it.

This Indian wife has killed her first four babies... 
There wasn't a shred of guilt. Her reasoning?

In countries like India and China where gendercide is common, there aren't enough girls for all the men to marry...more on that later.
In India the desire (imperative) for a son is based solely on greed...
And even when the girl baby is allowed to live, many die from lack of food, medical care or neglect...
There are more girl babies killed in India than there are girl babies born in America...
Believe it or not, these smiling women are discussing in detail the methods they used to kill all of their girl babies...
Why should a daughter be a thief?
One would assume this is the problem...at least I did...
With this mind set, the woman's words make sense....at least to them...
But that's not the motivation. The system of dowry is the problem...
In modern times middle class and wealth Indians don't have to kill a born child, they can just do an ultrasound and abort the girls...

Even though the ultrasounds for sex determination is illegal...
In India, the dowry is a huge amount of money and/or property that is paid to a young man's family so that he will marry their daughter. That means a boy brings money into a family and a girl drains their resources.

The preference for sons to carry on the family name is important in China...
But the government made that only possible if the girl child is murdered...
Now that doesn't mean there are no girls, just a lot less girls. And because there are far less women to marry than men wanting to marry, the strangest crime I ever heard of is going on all over China...
Baby girls are stolen out of their front yards by parents with a male child just so that male child will have someone to marry with they both grow up.
China has since relaxed portions of the one child policy.

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