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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, February 21, 2014

FRIDAY #1906

Independence Square, indeed...
Based on how I react when toast pops out of the toaster, I will never look this cool walking away from an explosion.

Lest we forget, the people have taken to the street all over the world, but I guess the press doesn't find them as newsworthy.

There were 179 earthquakes in Oklahoma in just the last 7 days.
Some blame the huge increase on fracking.

According to Norse Mythology, The World Will End on Saturday

Ragnarok is the final predicted battle where the wolf Fenrir will break out of his prison, the snake Jormungand will rise out of the sea, ice giants and the dragon of the underworld will come out and the dead heroes of Valhalla will descend from heaven to fight them.

(notice how all the myths follow a pattern)

I can remember when OPEC brought this country to its knees...
There simply was no gasoline.
 But, I guess, there's always room for a little humor...

Can someone's face be a pet peeve?

Once you commit to the idea of a closed casket funeral it really takes a lot of pressure off how you live your life.

Superman and Batman probably had a lot of "capes in the toilet water" accidents when they went to take a dump.

"I'm looking for something that's more than irrational but less than psychotic."

 These are called Tiger Teeth and they stop tanks...or at least slow them down...
 When I was in Europe in the mid and late 60's they were all over Germany, Luxembourg and The Netherlands.

The greatest toy EVER...

CBO says a minimum wage increase will cause 500,000 job loses...

A President Obama-lookalike actor who played the devil in the miniseries 'The Bible' has been edited out of an upcoming film based on the show after the uncanny resemblance sparked intense controversy.

Yeah, I'm a wine enthusiast in that the more wine I drink the more enthusiastic I become.

I swear to you, this is the actual trading card and that is the original text on the card.  For me, this wins the race for the most disturbing trading card of all time by a mile.  It’s creepy, it’s disturbing, and it’s haunting…. It’s everything a children’s trading card shouldn’t be.  Leave it to Beaver never looked so macabre.

Can we assume this is outside a book store?

McGovern also accurately predicted what would ultimately happen to Vietnam after we left....
 ...just like Afghanistan.

From the man that puts this in the exact same league as all religions, this doesn't surprise me at all...

According to data from the National Science Foundation's just-released 2014 Science and Engineering Indicators study, Americans are moving in Perry's direction. In particular, the NSF reports that the percentage of Americans who think astrology is "not at all scientific" declined from 62 percent in 2010 to just 55 percent in 2012 (the last year for which data is available).

This motherfucker has been convicted by the UN of war crimes...BEFORE the war even starts.

The people in charge of hell sometimes visit North Korea just to exchange ideas.

Pretty fucked-up that I used to jerk it while looking about Betty Boop drawings.

Walking with our phones, we all look like Star Trek crew members trying to get a life form reading on an uncharted planet.

An awful OOMVO...

"Lord of the Rings" seems like kind of a racist book. It doesn't even have a Tolkien black guy.

 “And these signs will follow those who believe: in My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

In any discussion, I want this kid on my side...

On restaurant menus, people order items near the top or bottom more often than in the middle. And nobody knows why.

Why do we say "tuna fish", but we don't say "beef mammal" or "chicken bird"?

For Tommy...

A rather good OOMVO...

Sometimes it's to your advantage for people to think you're crazy.

It’s a Gloster Gladiator, the last biplane fighter used by the RAF. 

Sort of speaks for itself, don't it....

 How long sex lasts in various places...

This poor guy wrote and illustrated a book as a satire, but nobody saw the satire and he was vilified...

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