About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Finland kicked Russia's ass in soccer...
Was kind of hoping it would be US/Russia for gold, but I now doubt it.
But I think everyone should quit giving Russia a hard time on their opening ceremony...remember, we made the whole world listen to Nickleback.

Guinnes ads supporting Nazi war effort...

I don't always listen to Black Sabbath, but when I do, so do the neighbors.

Question: Do you think if Helen Keller had taken LSD she would have heard weird noises?

Yes, New York is so beautiful in snow...for like five minutes. 

An idea for all my bartender friends...

Some people like to say "Could I ask you something?" I then like to say, "Yeah, but some responses may take longer than others due to statute of limitations having yet to expire."

Bible = bestiary....
 Moralized fables serve their purpose, but declaring them devine is just a desperate attempt at superiority.

Woody Harrelson produced this show and it is very strange...
 My money is the culprit being that tall well-dressed preacher who was in the squad room in the first or second episode.

 Father and son in Kiev...

BIDDING FOR ASYLUM: African migrants pushing for political asylum and inmates protested at the fence of a detention center in Holot, Israel, Monday.

Sports Illustrated had a wonderful idea: Demonstrate how zero gravity works on muscular and fat body masses by putting Kate Upton in a bikini and taking her in a parabolic flight....    

Adding "inator 3000" to anything makes it 200 times cooler. Just pick a word....say, bird.
Birdinator 3000.

From the archive of universal sameness...

Doing chemotherapy because you are tired of shaving your head.

If the oldest person on earth is 120 years old, then 121 years ago there was a completely different set of human beings on earth.

The most dangerous countries in which to drive...

Some of the safest countries to drive in...
List of most dangerous places to drive...

Edward Snowden action figure...

 - Wife sent me that since we have been collecting heart shaped stones for years.

I'd like to see a game show where you win $1,000 for every porn star you identify correctly while sitting between your wife and mother.

Don't you hate when you accidentally tie one shoe tighter than the other and you have to redo your entire life?

 I agree. Believing that someone or some thing is in charge of your life must be very comforting. But that has nothing to do with me and who I want to marry or whether I want to jack off or dance or any of the other shit Christians like to stick their noses in.
But ultimately, it's all just words without true meaning.
Example #2:
How in the fuck do you know this? Or better yet....Well, my savior can move ten mountains at one time...with one arm tied behind his back.

 How stupid...
 So, how could you crave something you have?

Jamaican bobsled helmets look like watermelons...
 ...you can't make this shit up.

Shirley Temple type picture…1939...

I want his job...

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