About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Very short post today, folks, cause I'm tired.
My wife sent me a news article of which I have copied and pasted below. Please read it carefully.

This is the exact language in a real piece of South Carolina legislation....sorry it's so small....

There are no words to adequately express my horror, so I won't even attempt it...the absolute, total absurdity should more than speak for itself.

Tonight, at my favorite bar, my favorite bartender declined an offer to share a piece of my wife and I's pizza with:
"No, thank you, I gave pizza up for lent."
I said, "Boy, you would hate my blog."
She gasped, "I LOVE YOUR BLOG!"
I was and am befuddled.
So, I fell back on sarcasm and said loud enough for most of the bar to hear, "Well, for lent, I gave up moderation."
The comment was warmly received.

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend, and that you have as perfect weather as I am relishing. Live free, my friends, and love well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely ridiculous regarding the language of the SC legislation. After reading your blog I researched this a little more...Washington state also has this as their state fossil. Here is their language:
1.20.040 << 1.20.042 >> 1.20.045

RCW 1.20.042
State fossil.

The Columbian mammoth of North America, Mammuthus columbi, is hereby designated as the official fossil of the state of Washington.

[1998 c 129 § 2.]

Legislative recognition -- 1998 c 129: "The legislature recognizes that the large, hairy prehistoric elephants of the extinct genus Mammuthus roamed the North American continent, including the Pacific Northwest, during the Pleistocene epoch (ice ages)." [1998 c 129 § 1.]


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