About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


 But, and a big but, it only shows up in the right camera, but not in the left, which pretty much guarantees it's a glint off the lens...


My daughter was heading a committee at the Sarajevo radio telescope Peurto Rico to discuss the problem with the electricity in the visitor center and guest cell phones interferring with the detectors. Right after discussing the vistors ignoring the dozens of signs directing them to turn their phones off, my daughter's phone rang. As she said, "She was mortified with embarrassment."

Has an EMT ever asked you how you got your penis caught in the ceiling fan?

Conspiracy Theories: Grieving and/or fearful people find it much easier to blame maliciousness rather than incompetence.


I will take her word for it...

I had (he's dead now) friend from South African. When he first arrived in this country he was told that he was not allowed to declare himself "African American". He never did understand why.

A laser etched tip that is supposed to make it slip-proof...

Oh, sure, Shakespeare inventuated a bunch of words and he is considered a literary genius. When I do that, people think I’m misintelligent. I call that a double standard.

What children are supposed to do with their free time...
What some children do with their free time...

I see little difference between the brainwashing in North Korea and that of Islam...
Many only read the Quaran and are too young to even know there are other explanations for life's mysteries...

My friend Kent, who is even older than I, told me Sunday that he couldn't stand hanging out with old people.

I thought I was the only one. I guess that says something about my taste in friends.

Two phrases I like and use often: "Please advise" and "Will advise". Try them, they read well.

(think about that a moment)

You need to write that shit down.

My, that escalated quickly...

Remember, if the wife doesn’t find out, it never happened.

I think ‘Dick In A Box’ is the greatest gag ever invented.

 Earthquake in Chile...

Any dog under forty pounds is a cat.

I have heard numerous complaints that there aren't any grocery stores in the ghetto, so those wretched people have to go to fast food restaurants. The truth is that, because of rampant shoplifting, the grocery stores can't afford to operate in the slums.

  Let's all give a shout out to people who are too far away to hear us.

Terminally ill father walks his 11 year old down the aisle...
 And, no, she's not getting married. It was for her to remember when she does get really married without him.

Writings from a 1225 manuscript toyed with the concept.

Do ANY women reconsider the wisdom of this?
Or do they just accept that life is one long beauty contest.

The Mongol’s attack on Japan resulted in 70,000 men drowned in a Typhoon…the greatest loss of life in maritime history.

America is the only country in the world where immigrants would expect documents to be printed in their native language.

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