About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I would like to welcome all my new Japanese viewers. My daughter spent a year in Japan and loved every minute of it. She even mastered the tea ceremony.

Enjoy your visit.

Free Speech means you can say whatever you want...
It does NOT mean you can escape condemnation.

From loyal viewer, Spider...

My rules...
Many of my images are sent to me and they do not include the artist. Plus many of the sites I visit do not include the artist. I still want to share them, in the same way if you and I were sitting in a doctor's waiting room and I came upon a picture in a magazine and showed it to you.
I make no money from the images, I'm just sharing them. "Hey, take a look at this."
I further give anyone and everyone permission to use any of my images any time you want.
So let's quit threatening to sue everybody. It's beneath you.

Let's take another look at infomercial absurdity...
Do ad makers think we are really that stupid? Yes. Yes, they do think we are that stupid.

 The Tough On Crime crowd thought they would solve the problem with the Three Strike Rule. Granted, crime is down, but at what cost. And I don't mean "cost" in human suffering. I mean cost as in billions of our money.

 That child is one of the latest memes. 

 TRUE: There was an American children's TV show that was taken off the air in Australia because it tried to teach children not to be afraid of spiders. Apparently, spiders should be taken very seriously in Australia.
And then there's this motherfucker...

 Why there isn't more global condemnation is beyond me.

 The chart is a little bit misleading. If you plotted it on a true scale of all power production, it would barely show up.

 I will state up front, that I am a question asker. I have found that having a person express their belief in their own words is a very effective way to direct them toward clarity.

What if Starbucks has their employees purposely misspell people’s names so everyone will post their cups and logo over social media for free?

Maturing is realizing how many things do not require your comment.

 Then there's this guy....
And for a mid-fielder, those stats are fucking amazing!

 If (when) that happens in the mid-west, the world will starve.


America has never quite forgiven Europe for having been discovered somewhat earlier in history than itself.

And we tolerated this...
On the surface it seemed like a fair idea, but remember college students didn't have to die. Rich people send their kids to college. Poor kids fight in their stead.


Rules. Rules for EVERYTHING!!!
 I've never met a rule I didn't want to break.
(write that shit down)

I’d like Samuel L. Jackson to narrate my life. No offense to Morgan Freeman, but my life requires multiple uses of the word motherfucker.

A couple of pretty damn good photographs...

 I weep for the language.
Seriously, I don't proof-read as thoroughly as I should. I will state straight up, I don't have the time. Deal with it.

My lead investigator in the Folio Olio Research Lab ate at this restaurant....
No word yet as to what he actually put in his mouth.

A drinking game that will guarantee you get drunk…drink the entire time the graphic intro lasts for Game of Thrones.

Amazing. All that pain, time and money to look like the girl in the magazine. The girl who doesn't even look like the girl in the magazine.

There should be a question mark after the caption...

 This photographer is giving his model instructions...
 As all long-time viewers know, I'm fascinated by what shit women will do for a man with a camera.

The old laser on the chest drop dead trick...

A car out of nowhere?
 Here's what happened...

When some yells “Get down!? You must quickly discern if they mean tactically or musically.

Have you ever walked past a woman with an ass so fine that you had to just stop and catch your breath?

SAID TO BE TRUE: During  drunken bender at Hugh Hefner’s house, John Lennon took a Mattisse painting off the wall and put a cigarette out on it. It still hangs with the burn on it.

I was once dumped by a girl and I asked if there was another guy and she said I WAS the other guy.

Look at that mural. Now look at the bullshit to the far left on the wall. Who in their right mind would use the word "artist" for both the creators?

Mexican and black jokes are all the same. Once you’ve heard Juan, you’ve heard Jamal.

 Welcome to Walmart...
I walk through Walmart the same way most people walk through zoos.

I have no idea what I’m doing, but I’m doing it really, really well.


Senph42 said...

Now I really don't understand who told You in first place that "bullshit" to the side of the mural is art?! Those are just some quick graffiti bombs that doesn't take longer than few minutes to paint and kids use them as personal advertisements, for me they aren't any more disturbing than corporate ads. Most of these kids think it's cool and rebellious to "go against the system" etc and stop doing that when they doesn't get any credit from colleagues or find other hobbies, the majority doesn't even consider themselves artists. Some however do, and use this bombing thing as one step in the (learning) progress towards becoming a mural or fine artists. As a guy who painted both "bullshit" and big "art" murals I can tell you those two bombs aren't even considered decent in our world, so You were right in this case! However, I don't understand why do you think some graffiti works lose their artistic value just because they have letters in them (that nobody except a few other players can read) and not some fancy photorealistic (or other acceptable) stuff (that the majority of people who don't know shit about art anyways) like to worship? I think it has to do something with the fear from the unknown, and letter-based murals make them uncomfortable. Now You sir seems to be an inteligent man who thinks with his own head, why don't you try to look at normal (colorful, legal etc.) graffiti as graphic design work instead comparing it to classic, fine art, maybe it will be easier to accept the fact that not all artists come from famous academies and paint portraits and scenery, there are some of us who learnt (and are still learning)the trade through our own mistakes along the hard way...

Ralph Henry said...

Thanks for your remarks. I need opinions of others, as I don't get out much.
But, I have nothing against words painted on walls AS LONG AS THEY MAKE A REAL STATEMENT. I have posted some good and some not so good examples of spray painted bombs that voice an opinion. I think they are a very valid form of protest or just proving that one exists.
My major gripe is that people with the art taste of a pre-teenager think that they have the "right" to put up the same "logo" of themselves on property they don't own.
I really like the bad boy thrill of sneaking around...I really do. But forcing someone to look at your work is like setting up speakers around town and forcing people to listen to your choice of music. Within the scope of forced music, I think you should be very, very selective in the music you play.
I will state again, a large "LOOK AT ME" type of painting just doesn't do it for me. The art should not be about the artist, it should be about the art.
With that stated, I will agree with you on most of your points. I am a formally trained artist with a master's degree. I have pre-set rules that may or may not be correct. I try every day to better myself, and by that I mean change my mind about things I used to believe. But I have never painted a painting or mural that looked the same as any of my others. It's just too easy to stick to something that is easy and real art is not about easy.
Again, thanks for your dedication to Folio Olio and this old man. If you ever make it to America, you have a place to sleep....and drink, of course.

Anonymous said...

A little something to help you with content. http://i.imgur.com/PzJKEV0.jpg

Senph42 said...

I also understand the "making statement" type of "rebellion" but that is neither art nor graffiti, it's something anybody with a clever opinion and a spraycan can do;
Again, I don't have an insight about the enviroment You live in, but over here nobody writes on other people's private property, not even the football (soccer) hooligans with their shitty slogans and logos. I don't want to sound hypocrite, I also made my fair share of vandalism in my early years, but if somebody is caught causing damage to others I think he deserves an adequate punishment; on the other hand I don't see a problem about graffiti/mural/street art on public property like apartment buildings that nobody cares about, underpasses, bridges, lampposts, trains etc.
Forcing people to listen your choice of music is called radio DJ. I think by letting anybody (who is interested in such activities) to paint on adequate public property would be just like a radio station: one day artist A paints something, few days later artist B paints over it, then I would'n even mind is coca-cola paint over a huge ad until artist C is allowed to cover it again. This way nobody would be forced to look at the same things too long. There are cities where big, permission granted walls function this way without any problem. Even the vandal graffiti painters have a code of conduct on those walls, I've seen works that weren't covered in years out of respect towards the author or the given painting, while other not so good ones are usually gone in few days.
I don't agree about the "look at me" aspect of art, in my opinion every artist wants to be noticed, only there are some that don't spend huge amount of money, time and decency to find a gallery that would exhibit their works, instead they go out and paint outside where there's no rules.
I do respect artists with formal degree, I even tried to get into an academy. But when I saw how this world functions (at least over here in my country), I thought I would rather stay away from that. However I fuckin' hate artists who think they are superior and have more rights than other self-taught colleagues to paint in public, just because their parents bought them a degree.
Now that I give more thought about it, a lot of well known contemporary artists who started as graffiti writers changed significantly over the years; I agree with the need of constant change and evolving artistically and those who do it are usually the ones who make a career, while others either give up or stuck in one place.
Thank You for delivering an interesting content on a daily basis, I like the stuff You share! I hope I will have the chance to travel overseas one day and continue this conversation in person! Have a nice day and keep up the good work! :)

Spider Borland said...

I like that he chooses to capitalize the word You when talking about you, Ralph. Like... god is capitalized when referring to the Christian god, but few others.

I enjoyed this back and forth.

Senph42 said...

@Spider Borland: it's called manners and respect - look it up! ;)

Spider Borland said...

I believe you are referring to "ways of behaving with reference to polite standards" when you refer to manners. Being condescending is rarely considered polite, but then I am unfamiliar with your standards.

There could be an enjoyable conversation had discussing the differences between Public Art and Graffiti, considering that they essentially mean the same thing, but are vastly different.

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