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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 9, 2014

FRIDAY #1980

"There have been 68 cases of polio worldwide this year. Three times the rate of last year. It's an extraordinary resurgence in a disease that we thought we were about to beat."
I read - and wish I had saved - an excellent argument about the anti-vaccine crowd. It went something like this:
So, you are telling me that you are so fearful of a relatively minor autism disorder that you will risk you child suffering or DYING from one of the many diseases he/she can acquire without proper care.
What does that tell fully functioning adults with autism?

**********This is a close-up of sutures in human flesh...which reminds me of a story....
My hip surgery has gone great except for one factor that I never considered. You see, there were inner stitches and outer stitches. In my case, two of the ends of the monofiliment inner stitches have found their way out of the outside stitches so I have these two wires sticking out my ass about a quarter of an inch.
I consulted with the head medical expert here at Folio Olio research laboratory and she told me that my condition is not unusual. Her suggestion? Get my wife to take a pair of needle nose pliers and a pair of scissors and cut them off.
Now you know why she works for me.
Seriously, that was her advice and when I told her that my wife might balk, she told me to tell my wife that she would make her a temporary medical person. I asked if there was some incantation like Baa-Ram-Ewe and she laughed heartily...explaining that she said she reads my blog.

A new virtual depiction of the cosmos developed by scientists in the US, Germany and England shows detail never before achieved in a computer-generated simulation. The numerical-based model Illustris covers the universe's 13 billion-year evolution, starting 12 million years after the Big Bang, or creation. It accurately depicts various galaxies' distribution and makeup.
(There was a rather long video of this that you might want to look up on YouTube.)
 I got a card from VA that it was time for my annual physical, so I called for an appointment. The soonest they could take me was in two months.....one months AFTER my daily prescriptions were due to expire.
Why don't I just stop by the pharmacy and get more medicine? The last time I did that I sat on a plastic chair for four hours before I got my medicine. And remember, I HAD to sit there every minute, because if they called my name and I didn't respond, I would have to start all over again. 
Just thought you would like to know the state of the VA.

Engineers designed Cassini with the expectation of losing a certain number of solid state memory modules to radiation damage every year. Instead, in the almost 17 years since the craft’s 1997 launch, they’ve only lost a single one. Suddenly, your four-year spacecraft has a much longer potential lifespan.

Additionally, a NASA official said that they always under-estimate how long a mission will last so that when it lasts longer, they can go back for additional funding with an argument like: "Well, you backed a winner, no need to give up on it now."
The official said that that ploy worked every time.
I wondered why the official would admit that, then surmised that ALL participants knew the rules of the game.

One Of My Very Own...

The kid who would burn his marshmallow to a blackened crisp and say "this is how I like it!" is in prison now.

Have been asking various people if a business owner has the right to deny employment to people with a lot of tattoos. To a person the answer was NO...
 I disagree. Even though I would think nothing of it, I think that a business owner can hire or not hire whoever the fuck they want. You don't like it? Start your own business.

And the father of the year award goes to...

An unsung legacy of Bill Clinton's presidency is that since he left office, no sitting President has shot a load on a non-spouse.

In America we make "Freedom Angels"...

Karma at its very best...
I hope he went for the motherfucker's balls.

My wife the first time she unzipped my pants...
 Advice to your men: After sex, never say, "Wow. You're so easy!"*
*Unless she's this girl.

 If big business could get rich from weed, it would have been legal since 1950.

Another look at the flying snake...
 More like gliding really.

This picture was taken 107 years ago...
Somebody got it right from the beginning.

She insisted she wasn't choking and put up a good fight, but I finally gave my first Heimlich Maneuver.

Drunk vs. Speed Bump...
 But I bet he had a great time that day....until that moment.

Kid being brats? Just let them "accidentally" overhear you and your wife use the phrase "sending her back".

 Voting...hard for people with difficulty understanding instructions...
I love that photograph.

Have I mentioned lately that I'm anti-capital punishment?

This silly bastard has no idea what anarchy would do to him...his asshole....his sister's asshole...his dog's asshole...
...all the while going through the garbage cans of the rich people who can afford to hire tons of mercenaries to protect their estate....including the garbage cans.

A quip is a joke told by someone who went to an Ivy League college.

Five syllables here

Seven more syllables there

Are you happy now?
(to all my foreign visitors, that is a haiku)

With most vehicles now having screens, there is no excuse for not spelling out EXACTLY what your computer thinks is wrong with your car...

I generally don’t condone grave robbing, but sometimes a guy just needs a new pair of shoes.

Kid's been watching too much soccer...

A state supreme court has ruled that flashing your high beams to warn other drivers of a police presence is a form of free speech and not obstruction of justice. 

I have been arguing that for decades.

 Since when is "Nigga" profanity? Racial slur, yes; profane, no...relating or devoted to that which is not sacred or biblical; secular rather than religious.

Not sure why, but I find this so very, very depressing...

Appropriateness of various actions intrigue me. For instance, who should and should not be tipped. Waitresses - Yes. Dental hygienist - No; even though both are providing a service.

Now we come to offering to buy a drink for a girl at a bar. But why not offer to buy, say, apples for a girl in a grocery store? Or a tire rotation for a girl in a auto service center?
And these Do and Don't Do rules aren't even written down anywhere. We are just supposed to "know" them.

I just happened to come across these next images all on the same day...
This young lady squirts paint up her vagina behind a curtain...
Then she squirts it out on a canvas...
 Which conjures up fantasies...
 And worse...

"I hate every bone in your body except mine."

Flawed Logic - If you are too sick to go to school, you are too sick to play video games.

On a scale of Luke Skywalker to Jaime Lannister, how well would you deal with losing your right hand?

On a scale of Luke Skywalker to Jaime Lannister, how well would you deal with latent sexual feelings for your sister?


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