About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Thought you mighit like a little boogie to listen to as you scroll...

 Believe it or not, this is a concept that can not be taught. We all "get" it in one of those AHA moments...
But I didn't know it also works with solids...

These are not KKK, but some sect in Spain (I think)...
 Among many sects, dressing alike is very important...
 Think you are immune?

If you are ever arrested, use your one phone call to call the police station and pretend to be the police chief, then tell the officer to release you immediately.

I used to judge how bad my workday was by how many lottery tickets I bought on the way home.

 Guy comes very, very close to being hit by train...
 Think only stupid people almost get hit by trains?

Birthing Tubs - Because sosme tree-hugging genius decided that regular childbirth wasn't quite gross enough.

Never get in a street fight in Poland because you never know what kind of garage-made weapons they'll bring out against you. Like this makeshift cannon that can bring the boom like no other. The noise alone is intimidating. Eastern Europe seems like such a fun place for crazy people to do crazy stuff in the middle of the day.
 This man is running for his life.....from a suicide bomber (in background)...

We live in a society where you cell phone ring tone can damage your career. Think about that a moment.

Street Smart - Something dumb people say when they want to use the word smart to describe themselves.

I'm against marijuana, so whenever I get the opportunity, I burn it.

I recall fondly the mornings I woke up drunk on the right side of the wrong bed.

I really, REALLY believe this...

Happy Nurses Week to someone with the most honorable profession that porn stars impersonate.


Sorry your new job prevents you from collecting unemployment.

Relationships are mostly spent trying to figure out what you said wrong.

Shit you don't see every day...

The latest royal accepting, then rejecting, a gift from a commoner...

Give a man a duck, and he eats for a day. Teach a man to duck, and he can shoplift all the burritos he wants from 7-11.

YouTube should learn from porn sites and preview the videos when you hover your cursor over the thumbnails.

Take an ugly building...
 Cover it in mesh...
 Insert plants...
 I fucking love it! I think they ought to be all over every city.

 How close Blue Angels fly....
 ...to amuse you.

A photograph that looks like a painting...

The selfies you don't post are what you really look like.

Repost of this great idea...green lights tell you where there is a free spot...

A new mobile app called Monkeyparking allows people in San Francisco with good parking spots to auction them off when they're ready to leave, permitting circling rich people to engage in excitingly dangerous class warfare by bidding on spaces with their phones while they drive. The app's creators defend it as providing an "incentive" to leave your space for others to use.

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