About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


First, relatively topical items...

Kid playing with dildo...PSA about having guns in the home...
 ...if a kid finds it, he will play with it.

I hope they remember what we did....

Old couple flipped their car. Posed for picture...
Her still inside....hopefully conscious.
Love his pants.
But what the hell is that in the background?

Okay, pay attention.
I took Chile plus one point and the tie...
 I looked it up and this is (somehow) the official score. I collected my money, but with extreme protest from the loser. I really don't think he has an argument.
(I also took Colombia over Uruguay with no points given or received...nice day)
(I did not accept the guy's money. Instead, I told him I would take the underdog in the next game for double or nothing. I am assuming that he will pick The Netherlands and I think Mexico's keeper will deny them.)

Here's a little help in understanding the brouhaha over Obama's executive orders....
 Stupid bastards.

 I will state again, soccer will never catch on in America when we have to teach little boys that it is okay to roll around on the ground like a snake bit little girl when two people collide more gently than my wife and I during sex. Seriously, it's just embarrassing.
I present this...
So, can anybody really claim that France was hurt 14 times as severely than Bosnia? Of course not!
"Writhing Time" - Never heard it before, but it is so very apt...and did you notice that "injuries" was in quotes.

No time for many comments...

 Bullshit. Religions are based on magic and a supernatural being has no part in science.

The difference between fact and opinion…dogma.

 Prove it.

This is just as legit as anything in any other "religion"...

 Abraham...listened to a voice in his head that told him to kill his own son....quite a role model.

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