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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Miracles of miracles...I had pre-loaded Folio Olio for Saturday, Sunday and Monday because I knew I would be at the beach and much too drunk to figure out how to use a keyboard for the first few days. Then when we all arrived at the beach house we found out that there was no internet connection....temporarily, anyway.
I did not have Tuesday's blog "in the can", but the internet was restored this (as I write) Monday night.

The beach is everything I could have dreamed it would be. Surrounded by a houseful of people I love and that love me. The weather is perfect...the beer is cold.

This is the view out of one side of the house..
This is the view out of the other side of the house...
So what do teenaged boys do when faced with this...problem?
Paddle it around the island...

There are two fox (foxes?) living in that bright green flora next to the walk...
They locals ask you not to feed them because they eat A LOT of rats and mice...but I don't know how the fox feels about that.
Here, for whomever is interested, is what fox shit looks like on a walkway...

The beach is eat up with Holy Moly's...the shells with a hole that I employ by the hundreds to construct my ever expanding curtain on my sunporch back home...

The weather has been..oh....perfect....
Yesterday, one cloud moved passed but caused no harm...

 This is the logo for the University of South Carolina Gamecock baseball team. Do you see anything amiss?
 Well, look right there....
 There MUST be a white line there to indicate the tip of the S is BEHIND the C. It drives me fucking nuts!!!
Does anything about this stack of books drive you nuts?

I think that Hunger Games and Biggest Loser should switch titles.

Yeah, like women don't do some weird shit in their sleep...


Everyone I meet is my teacher.
(And those are words to live by)

What a surreal image....

Getting married at 22 is a lot like leaving the party at 9pm.

He seems to be taking it well...

Iranian special forces...
 I assume showing off forest and snow garb.

(I think that was hilarious)

The words 'selfie' and 'twerk' have been added to the dictionary this year while 'charm' and 'dignity' have been removed.

I wish people's voices actually sounded the way they do when their spouse or partner imitates them during an argument.

Instead of racism or misogyny, why not hate the people who wear pajamas and slippers to the airport?

Tree hits high power lines and explodes in pieces...
 Something I've never seen before.

Drones have to be the most cowardly way to kill anyone ever. At least the A-Bomb was delivered by a pilot.

 Yes, this is a shark gnawing on a rubber raft...

 I just wonder how they got all that shit out of the boat.

Ladies, make sure that you share photos of yourself without makeup in case you are kidnapped and people start looking for you.

We could hit every terrorist on the Most Wanted List tomorrow, if we turned it over to Google's ad department.

The eternal optimist...

Keep slugs out of your garden by building a tiny slug-sized amusement park next to it with slow safe rides.

Kind of OOMVO...
"And you can take that as a compliment."

 I know this is silly, but I'm a sight gag kind of guy...

"Selfie" has come to mean any photo of a person. At this rate, it will be the only word in the English language in 2023, meaning everything.

If we all spelled ‘people’ like this: peepole, that would be funny I think.

And you think there is no Devil? Then who came up with this voodoo?

Pro-choice, Anti-death penalty, fat-positive, LGBTQ friendly, and atheist. Any problems with that?

Of course black people love fried chicken. EVERYBODY LOVES FRIED CHICKEN!

 That is one weird-ass image.

 I concur.


 Not to be picky, but in both WWI and WWII we waited until the other side had been depleted by years of war before we got in.

This guy probably goes to the VA.... 

I've been on this very highway and loved every minute of it...

If you haven’t told lies on a resume, then you don’t know how the game is played.

Painterly: When the artist shows you every brushstroke. I kind of paint that way...
 (that is not one of mine....although I like it)

How do you say, "We're fucked" in deerese?

The British STILL feel the need to advertise tea.

 God Bless America.

This is one of the saddest photographs I have ever seen...

You know that for fifty years that guy dressed up like his old TV character and milked it for all it was worth. But it's still sad.

This guy turned his VW Bug wood. I like it...

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