About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


These aren't just scare words, people...
...that guy made it work just like he planned it. 

Did you know that the dark areas of the Milky Way are interstellar dust clouds?

My wife once asked me to make love to her like they do in the movies…so I came in her face.

Okay..if this doesn't scare the shit out of you, then you're not paying attention...

Some of us learn from the mistakes of others; some of us have to be the others.

This young man dressed shabily and after coughing and gagging, fell to the busy sidewalk and begged for water....
Nobody stopped to render aid. Then the same young man donned a suit and tie and die the exact same thing...
Instantly, a dozen pedestrians hurried over to offer aid...
But he stopped too soon. I would like to see the experiment done by changing just one article of clothing at a time...
For instance, dress shabbily, but wear a neck tie; or wear a shined pair of shoes, etc. I want to know the cut off, the trip-wire of aid and no aid.

Never have understood why Americans are such picky eaters...

The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.

You broke your 4th iPhone? You poor, poor thing.

(it does not take much to amuse me. - RH)


Which rovers have covered the most real estate...
In case you missed it, the USSR has the winner...

We all have a friend like this, don't we...

I want to introduce you to Randall Munroe...
 He is a scientist who used to work for NASA...
 Now he writes a great comic...xkcd, and here is an example. I have it emailed to me every day...

You shouldn’t abstain from rape just because you think I don’t want you to.

You shouldn’t rape because rape is a fucked up thing to do.
Pretty obvious…just don’t fucking rape people.
Didn’t think I had to write that one down for you.
- God

My wife has taken a dump so massive that she felt compelled to inform me about in vivid detail.


My life is kind of like when you’re about to sneeze and then don’t.

The problem of her still being single is that she’s wasting the best years of her breasts.

If I had an Italian accent I would never shut up.

 This is so alien to me...
 My wives have controled all the money. I would no more try to balance a checkbook than I would get a gym membership.

The next time someone asks you about Folio Olio, make sure you tell them I only post quality humor...

I just met a young sad woman who had just lost her virginity by becoming a “helper”  in the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

I hate coinsidences and in my writings I have tried my best to keep them at a minimum, but sometimes your plot demands it...

I don’t give a shit how thin it is, just give it a battery life of over 12 hours.

 Even though the baby can feel the glass, it refuses to cross over to its mother...

This man is playing a violin with live human hair...

Millions of people around the world think we have been visited by alien beings.

Love at first sight.

The man on the right is a subsistence farmer...one step above a hunter-gatherer...
 His son, on the left, is now a scientist.

If you multiplied the length of my dick in inches to the number of strokes I've fornicated, then I have fucked 653.3 miles in a drive-in...

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