See anything...odd about this...
Did you notice the tattoo of him on the back of her neck?
Well, that was a shit idea.
That's my girl...
The dirtiest thing you will most likely touch today is
Speaking of....
What companies own what other companies...
I made it a little bigger if it helps...
Guess who learned a whole bunch about transvestites last night?
I will state again, unless you work in the kitchen I don't think you should be so paranoid about washing your hands. I mean, you don't actually touch the only touched your dick. And if you think your dick is so filthy that you have to wash your hands every time you touch it, good luck trying to get your girlfriend to give you car head on the way home.
Oh. My. God....
Sous vide duck breast, encrusted in a
smattering of peppercorns, smothered in a foie gras cognac cream sauce, and
feathered with freshly sliced summer truffle.
How every parent feels substituting the tooth for the Tooth Fairy money...
Town in Alaska has an annual bonfire. This is their fuel for this year...
There are plenty of clever ways to tell the internet that you are pregnant...
Here's my favorite...
What does a chain have 66 of?
Highlight the answer:
[ Feet. Apparently, a chain is a length of measurement. ]
"What you doin'?"
"Just gangster stuff."
As I understand it, the hole in the stock is used to tighten the nut that holds the stock to the metal part. I discovered that a 12 gauge shell will fit there and thus its there if I ever need it...
I also drilled smaller holes in the end butt for 22 shell in my other rifles. Probably never need them, but what the hell.
By the way, I did all that when I was 13 years old.
Air quality improvements in the US...
This looks very much like it was constructed with the inflated membrane that was then covered in concrete that I showed you a while back...
This explains much...especially about disputed islands...
countries now accept the premise on which Portugal's territorial waters are
based: A belt of coastal waters extending 12 nautical miles from the low-water
mark of the coast.
this map doesn't care for mere territorial waters. The grey zones are too
extended to be only 12 nautical miles. They constitute Portugal's Exclusive
Economic Zone. For the 1982 Convention also specified that a country could
claim an EEZ of 200 nautical miles beyond its coastal baseline. An EEZ allows a
country to claim exclusive rights, but fewer than in its territorial waters. A
few strategically placed islands can provide a gigantic (and potentially very
lucrative) EEZ. Which partly explains why Argentina is so keen on Britain's
Falkland Islands, or why China and Japan are arguing about a few otherwise
insignificant rocks in the East China Sea. Portugal's archipelagos provide it
with three gigantic EEZs, almost contiguously stretching from 200 nautical
miles west of Monchique Islet (the westernmost bit of Azorean dry land,
geologically already on the North American Plate), all the way back to
Lisbon. Portugal claims that their
maritime territory is 40X their terrestrial one.
I found it interesting that electric cars would ease traffic congestion forever...
In fact, what looks like a very crowded highway is mostly filled with the space between cars. Computerized cars can travel MUCH closer to the next car because the first car and each subsequent car is communicating with each other. If one applies brakes, the others will instantly apply brakes.
I am experiencing a feeling of great pleasure from
Brazil's humiliation....if only there was a word in German that precisely
defined this emotion.
One Of My Very Own...
To find out your dolphin name, lick your finger tips and
rub a balloon.
(that was for you people with young children)
We can all travel through time. The only limitation is we
travel at the rate of one second per second.
A vagina was never intended to be a clown car.
TRUE: My father's secretary had this name also...
I am very wary of shop dummies.
"Werewolf Women Of The SS"...the greatest non-porn movie title I have ever heard of.
My favorite part of the bible is when Jesus said, "1 like = 1 prayer."
Lincoln's undoer...
A functioning computer keyboard...
Mr. Ed finally wises up...
"Fuuuuck Wiiiilbuuur."
With ongoing advancements in the fields of science and medicine, human beings are living longer than ever and learning more and more about the world around us. This means we are the only creature on the planet capable of understanding natural selection and actively avoiding it.
Let that sink in for a moment.
With ongoing advancements in the fields of science and medicine, human beings are living longer than ever and learning more and more about the world around us. This means we are the only creature on the planet capable of understanding natural selection and actively avoiding it.
Let that sink in for a moment.
This time, CISA is even worse than CISPA. The bill would give the NSA even more authority to access our data and force companies to fork over private data without a search warrant. More information here along with a petition:
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