Life immitating cartoonists...
Well, if you look at it just right, the jews are giving them what they want...
But how soon we forget...
The US did pay reparations, but we never said we were sorry.
Remember this Amazon tribe? First contact with a white man...
We should have seen this coming.
Massive Mayfly Emergence From the
Mississippi River Caught on Radar...
How many is that many? Well, this many...
Yeah, but they don't eat much.
The George Harrison Memorial Tree in Los Angeles, planted
in memory of the Beatles guitarist, was killed by beetles………by beetles. (you can't make shit like that up)
I’d like to stick my dick in the mouth of everyone who
accused me of photoshopping it on Facebook.

Attention white people: Dream Catchers were not designed
for rear view mirrors.

Spelling errors? It’s a blog, not a fucking thesis!
Do they have visiting hours where you are?
I Googled “Titty Tuesday” and pretty much just took a
few days off.
New eye tracking technology can help website designers...
Advertisers use it also....
The men (on the left) aren't really all that different than women (on the right)...
We men become fascinated with breasts very early...
But check this out and try to explain it to me if you can...
I invented this the other day. But I missed my turn....37 times...drove 14 miles out of town before I could turn around and come home...
Me to Siri: "Surely it's not going to rain today."
Siri: "It is, and don't call me Shirley."
Apparently I had forgotten to take my phone off Airplane mode.
Have you ever just looked at someone and automatically felt annoyed? I do that all the time.
Whenever I went to visit a friend and his parents said
“Make yourself at home”, I would find the dirty clothes hamper and smell his
sister’s underwear.
People who try to amuse us...
Remember when the term “Big Bang Theory” made you giggle?
Not only because of the beauty, but it takes in carbon dioxide and gives out, win, win...
TSA guidelines now prohibit whining like a little bitch on
"And now for something completely different",
Federico Hurtado...
I like most of the guy's work. You may want to Google him...
But on this one, I hate those two little cherub heads. They just seem out of place.
No. I never did that you sick bastard.
Almost all thrown pots start this way. The thumb plunge was almost a sexual experience...
3D printed Barbie armor...
I went to BLACK PEOPLE MEET.COM and it was just a bus schedule.
Speaking of...
And in the gallery you can hear the song of the city...
"We don't have any openings at the present time, but I will keep your resume..."
I find it odd that radio stations advertise its lack of advertisements.
Never trim your beard after you’ve been drinking.
Trust me on this one.
Trust me on this one.
My wife used to do this sort of thing to me all the time. I acted like I was embarrassed, but I really like it.
One Of My Very Own...
One-eyed man unhappy with Specsavers for refusing to give
him half-price eye test.
(that's true)
Device reads printed text to you through headphones...
Highly motivated horse...
Nothing will give you more feels than a life insurance commercial from Thailand.
(I have no idea what that means, I just thought it was a cool thing to say)
"Honey, let's go meet the new neighbors in 4G."
Who got credit for the invention of plagiarism? The first person or the second?
What a wonderful name for such an awful organization...
Sticky wicket here...
Yet abortion is not a crime if the mother decides to do it. I need an intelligent explanation of this. Anybody?
Decorating teeth seems to have been very popular...
We all remember this crazy bastard...
...but few knew he was such a good liar...
I just wish someone will call me “sir” without adding, “You’re
making a scene.”
Public art worth sharing...
The good guys always win because it is the victor who writes history.
did you notice the girl's panties said "I come in peace"
Of course you did.
Re: abortion laws, my guess would be the location of the fetus. If I come take your car out of your garage, that's grand theft auto. If you do it...
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